Today's front pages - October 1, 2022
These are the leading news stories in local newspapers this Saturday.
Times of Malta leads with events in and outside the law courts on Friday, where activists revealed arrest warrants for top Pilatus Bank officials which were never acted upon.
The newspaper also gives prominence to a court judgement which forced two road contractors to pay €100,000 after they refused to carry out works they had won by tender.
The Malta Independent also leads with news of the Pilatus arrest warrants being revealed by NGO Repubblika.
In its secondary front-page story, the newspaper cites a group of journalists and media experts as arguing that reformed media laws presented by the government ‘ignore international standards’.
L-Orizzont leads with an overview of Giorgia Meloni taking over Italy, with the newspaper speaking to an Italian who is living in Malta to see what he thinks.
The newspaper also quotes financial analyst Steve Ellis as saying a living wage report released last week suggests salaries in Malta must rise.
In-Nazzjon leads with the Repubblika Friday event, saying the NGO argued that everything indicates a cover-up at the now-shuttered bank.
The newspaper’s second story is related...