Crypto Fans Want Kanye West to Launch His Own Currency
Amidst Kanye West’s recent public implosions and subsequent rejection from several major platforms, including bans from Twitter, Instagram and a severed relationship with JP Morgan Chase, there’s at least one community still willing to be optimistic about West: crypto fans.
On Sunday, an unknown founder launched YZY token, a coin branded with an illustration of the rapper’s face, on the Ethereum blockchain and has been drumming up enthusiasm on the messaging app Telegram, where users have been encouraged to buy the coin and spread the news about it to boost its value.
Upstart coins like this get launched all the time in the chaotic crypto space, oftentimes with catastrophic results—the value of MAGA-boosted “Let’s Go Brandon” ETH coins dropped in value by 99.5% in a month earlier this year—but YZY backers are particularly excited about West’s breakup with official banking institution JP Morgan, which they feel makes his official endorsement of the alternative crypto space inevitable.