This Hotel Is Bringing Some Miami Cool to San Francisco
Just as there are car fanatics, aviation junkies, and wine snobs, there are people who are just downright obsessed with hotels. They will not refrain from forking over the extra hundred or two if it means staying at a beloved property or someplace people are buzzing about. They usually have their favorite group, an extensive list on the overrated, and a couple of concierges or maitre-d’s they are convinced truly love them. There are cities, they’re quick to tell you, that have great hotels, and those that don’t.
One city they’re often quick to knock is San Francisco, which has a number of the big stately hotels but rarely (the Proper being an exception) something they’d see as cool.
But the 1 Hotel San Francisco, one of the city’s newest hotels and the latest selection for our Room Key series, has those folks excited. For the unfamiliar, the 1 Hotels comprise a group of eco-focused luxury properties created in 2015. There are properties around the U.S., like the original iconic 1 Hotel South Beach, and in Canada and China.