It's time for straight talk about abortion. But from Republicans, this time
Democrats have been hammering Republicans on abortion for months, and anti-abortion groups want to see Republicans try to reclaim the issue. If Republicans would tell the truth about the abortion policies they want, that would be amazing. Like, thanks, guys, for making the case against yourselves. Just come right out and say you support the total abortion bans in states like Texas and Alabama, and you support a federal abortion ban. Admit that you want to criminalize doctors and even patients. Please, go for it.
The Susan B. Anthony List’s Mallory Carroll told Politico, “Pro-life Republicans must account for their policy positions on abortion. With pro-abortion Democrats holding rallies specifically to talk about abortion, pro-life Republicans have an opportunity to present a strong contrast to that.” The Susan B. Anthony List has cheered what it calls “broad legal protections for unborn babies and moms.” Translation: abortion bans with exceptions only for the life (not health, just life) of the mother. Republicans absolutely should stand with the Susan B. Anthony List and similar anti-abortion groups in cheering that, openly and without reservation. No more sneaking around.
The major problem is that Republicans lie. They lie about what Democrats support, and they lie about their own positions. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel pointed to one key form of Republican lie about how abortion laws operate.
RELATED STORY: Hey, Democrats! You can (and should) campaign on both Social Security AND abortion