Israel: PM Lapid Hails Achievements as Country Readies for Elections
i24 News – Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid hailed his government’s achievements during a meeting of his centrist Yesh Atid party on Tuesday, as the country prepares for its fifth round of elections.
Lapid referenced the impending November 1 elections saying the country has “less than two weeks to decide where the State of Israel is going.”
He continued that the election is about “whether we want a common future and economic and security achievements in this country, or whether we return to the hatred and anger and corruption of the past.”
On his government’s achievements, he praised his government’s “Law and Order” program, contrasting it to the behavior of his opponents.
“Instead of (Itamar) Ben-Gvir running around at night with a gun and endangering our soldiers and policemen, we launched a real plan that brings governance and order to the country,” Lapid said, referring to the Jewish Power head’s recent brandishing of his weapon in east Jerusalem.
Lapid also referred to the “uncompromising fight against the cost of living,” one of the biggest concerns for Israeli voters, according to surveys.
Lastly, Lapid mentioned the “maintaining (of) Israeli liberal democracy,” specifically mentioning LGBT and women’s rights.
“Few governments in Israel’s history have achieved in a year and a half what we have achieved,” he continued, referencing the “historic” agreement with Lebanon and how his government “stopped the nuclear deal with Iran.”
Lapid concluded: “We offer the State of Israel leadership, we offer values, we offer hope, mutual respect and the common good.”