The Worst Thing That Can Happen if Trump Beats These Charges
No one knows what the future holds for Donald Trump and this indictment, but The Bulwark’s Amanda Carpenter has a few ideas and came on the latest episode of The New Abnormal politics podcast—along with MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner—to share them. And there’s good and bad news.
According to Carpenter, author of the essay “Why Trump’s Hush Money Matters” and the book Gaslighting America: Why We Love It When Trump Lies To Us, told TNA co-host Andy Levy that this indictment won’t be the first (“There’s going to be probably a season of indictments. So just strap in everybody, get ready for a long summer of election criminality,” she tells Andy). And she doesn’t think this one is going to help Trump’s 2024 candidacy. But! There’s a but.
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