My wife threw me out after I turned up to our children’s parents evening drunk
DEAR DEIDRE: I DRANK so heavily after my mother died that I ended up losing my wife and kids. I’ve been so stupid.
I’m a 41 year-old man and Mum had leukaemia.
She meant the world to me.
I was with her constantly for the last two weeks of her life but when she passed away, it hit me really hard.
I have always liked a drink but the first couple of months after she died went by in a drunken haze.
My wife put up with a lot. But when I turned up to my boy’s parents’ evening and couldn’t walk straight, we got home and she threw me out.
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I went back to my mother’s empty house and I have been there ever since. I don’t know what to do.
She is ignoring my calls and I know I need some help.
I threw away all the half-drunk bottles I had and I’m trying to go cold turkey, but it’s not easy.
My boss has been so good, giving me compassionate leave. But if I don’t sort myself out soon, I’ll lose my job too.
DEIDRE SAYS: You must get some help with your addiction and then your wife will at least see that you are trying to beat this.
Make contact with We Are With You (, for people with drug or alcohol addictions, or for their friends and family.
My Bereavement support pack will help you too, as you grieve.