Why does it feel like working from home is giving me ADHD?
- In Insider's new work-advice column, a reader worries she's developed ADHD while working from home.
- There's no such thing as sudden-onset ADHD, but modern life and always-on tech are distracting.
- Experts say building boundaries, setting rituals, and working less can improve focus.
I've been working from home ever since the pandemic began. It was lonely at first and it took some getting used to — I'm an extrovert —but I really like the flexibility and can't imagine ever having to go back to an office full time.
But if I am being honest, I've developed some unhealthy habits over the past few years, namely a persistent inability to focus on my work. Is it possible that working from home during the pandemic is giving me attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Part of me is joking, but part of me is dead serious. I'm perpetually distracted, checking my phone, and unable to concentrate on a task for long stretches of time. It's like my brain is always preoccupied. I haven't always been this way, so I have to think that it's related to Covid and this WFH life.
To be clear, I don't want to stop working from home. And productivity-wise, I generally get done what I am supposed to — it's just that everything takes longer than it should so I end up "working" more. What should I do?
As a fellow work-from-homer, I feel you. I sit down at my laptop with the best intentions to focus. But inevitably my mind roams. I check my email; respond to a Slack message; organize my desk/dining table; scan the headlines; tidy my kitchen; check my texts; make myself a snack; answer a question from my nearby coworker/spouse; and… where was I going with this again?
Anyhow, what you describe is very common. Multitasking, doing two things simultaneously, and context switching, toggling your attention between two or more tasks, are well-documented impairments to focus and performance. And there's no question that our always-on technology have made things harder.
Since what you're experiencing is new to you, it's not attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to Dr. Ned Hallowell, a board-certified child and adult psychiatrist and a world authority on the subject. "There's no such thing as sudden-onset ADD," he told Insider.
Instead, Dr. Hallowell said you're suffering from what he calls, "culturally induced ADD," or "a severe case of modern life." Practically speaking, the symptoms are the same. "The remedies are also similar — apart from the lack of prescription medication to treat modern life," he said. "But coffee helps."
Apart from mainlining java, what can you do? I spoke to Curt Steinhorst, an expert on concentration and the author of "Can I Have Your Attention?" for ideas. Steinhorst, who was diagnosed with ADHD at age 12, has lots of experience in this arena.
For starters, he suggested building in some separation between your professional and personal life. Your surroundings and physical environment play a powerful role in what you pay attention to. And working within the same four walls where you do everything else — including domestic chores, sleeping, recreating, and so on — hampers your ability to concentrate.
You need boundaries. Define the space where you work to whatever extent you can. While a separate home office might not be feasible, it's important not to work in the same spot where you eat or relax. Creating a daily ritual — a morning walk that serves as a pretend commute, for instance — can also help your brain transition to work mode.
Third, he said, you need to get clarity on what matters most. Reduce information overload. Look at your to-do list and ask yourself: "What's the one thing that I can do in the next 15 minutes that moves the ball forward?" It could be writing a memo to your boss or responding to an email from your colleague. Whatever it is, set aside a minimally viable amount of time, put away your phone, focus on the task at hand, and make progress. Rinse and repeat, along with regularly scheduled breaks. Making progress builds momentum.
Steinhorst also recommended arranging your schedule with your energy levels in mind. "As you go through the day, there are times when it's easier for you to focus because you're naturally more alert, and times when you struggle to focus because you're less alert," he said. "Tackle the tasks that demand your full attention when you're at your best; and when your energy flags, take a break."
Finally, work less. Yes, you read that right. You can't expect to operate at peak productivity at every hour of the day and sitting at your computer spinning your wheels is clearly not working for you. So, mix things up. Embrace the flexibility of working from home. Set your out-of-office and step away from it all.
"And be sure to make yourself fully unavailable," said Steinhorst.
This story originally published on January 24, 2022.