Don't fish with a gun in Kansas, game wardens say
GARDEN CITY, Kan. (KSNW) -- Someone allegedly decided to use a 9 mm gun to catch fish in Garden City on Tuesday, but they got caught by game wardens.
Kansas Wildlife and Parks game wardens in Finney County did not say where it happened or if the person was a man or a woman. But, they said they seized the gun and ticketed the person for allegedly using illegal means to take fish and for not having a fishing license.
In a Facebook post, the wardens said it is illegal to use firearms to catch fish.
They said nonsport fish may only be taken with a fishing pole and line, trotlines, set lines, gig, crossbow or bow and arrow with a line attached.
Not only is using a gun to fish illegal in Kansas, but it can also be dangerous.
Shooting at a body of water can be a dangerous activity because bullets can ricochet off the surface of the water."
Kansas Wildlife & Parks - Game Wardens