Rick Scott Claims Debt Ceiling Crisis Is A 'Made-Up' Issue
On Real America's Voice, Florida Sen. Rick Scott claimed the debt ceiling is a made-up crisis by President Biden to scare the living daylights out of all Americans.
Debt ceiling deniers unite!
Scott told Charlie Kirk's seditionist podcast that even without raising the debt ceiling, the US can still pay its bills. See, who needs it?
"What they're going to do is they're going to wait until the last minute," Scott said. "They're going to try to scare the living daylights out of all Americans that we're going to default on our debt."
"By the way, we don't default on our debt. We have the ability to pay our interest through our revenues," Scott claimed.
"So this is a made-up issue by Biden that all the whole world's going to fall apart," Scott without giving any reason as to why this is a phony issue.
If it's a made-up issue, then why is leader McCarthy demanding massive spending cuts for ten years to the US economy to raise the debt ceiling for only one year?
Republicans aren't a real political party any longer.
Is it any wonder why Mitch McConnell kicked Rick Scott to the curb?