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Weekly horoscope for June 18 – 24: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed



MAR 21 – APR 20

There is a surprise treat this week

Highlights of your home life are yours to celebrate. 

Focus on the positives,  and any slight negatives you may have been feeling can fade, as a new moon shows a silver door. 

You have the strongest zodiac gifts for communication this week, and can get the right messages to the right eyes, or ears. 

But it’s what your own heart is saying, about “P”, that is the surprise treat of the week. 


Take the time on Monday to check in with someone older.  

Re-start a journey towards a love ticket on Thursday.  Sunday’s your day to start a friendship conversation again.


Names with a double letter in them. 

A delivery from “E”.  A local business linked to baking.


You may find it harder to hide your true 
feelings, positive and negative, as Saturn pushes back.   

But this can begin a new Aries chapter of honesty and openness.  So do welcome this chance to rediscover your genuine self, after a time of feeling the need to pretend.

There may be pressure to put your own needs second to others’ between now and November, but please resist. 

Your Saturn retrograde challenge is to seek a compromise that suits everyone.  And eases any frustration.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Your romance chart is ready, steady, go

As the sun heats up your words and actions equally  – you can make your mark, at home and at work. 

Now you see the difference between being strong and being stubborn, and a team is ready to follow you anywhere. 

Your romance chart is ready, steady, go – and a commitment marathon can become a sprint. 

If you’re single, this week go with letting your warm heart choose, over your cool head.


Wednesday is your work-it day, you’re ready to step up 
in exciting situations.  Brighter clothes and spicier food set Friday on fire.   

A house by a river, or with “River” in its name.  The family member with the longest name. Numbers that add up to 23.


Smart Taurus is usually two steps ahead of other, less forward-facing signs – but as Saturn slots into reverse, you may start  slowing down. 

And working through questions and problems methodically, 
rather than trusting to instincts. 

Be prepared to ask for help,  and accept it when offered. 

Friends and family may infuriate you with their dithering ways, but this can deepen love, when you go with the flow. 

Until early November, you can make surprising connections that enhance your future in unexpected ways. 

Horoscope traits

What does your star sign mean for you?

Aries – The best and worst characteristics of the head of the zodiac
Aquarius – The traits you need to know for the air sign
Capricorn – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Cancer – The key traits for the sign include a keen love of food
Gemini – The traits to be aware of for the sign with a symbol of twins
Leo – The best and worst characteristics of the fire sign
Libra – What does the seventh star sign mean for your personality?
Pisces – The key traits for the sign include an interest in the arts
Sagittarius – The traits you need to know for the fire sign
Scorpio – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Taurus – The best and worst characteristics of the earth sign
Virgo – The key traits for the sign include loyalty and kindness


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

Lucky numbers link to your three closest friends

Starting the week with a money new moon is like a new broom sweeping clean – to move away from past deals or decisions and seek something better.  

Even if this just means speaking out loud what’s on your mind.  You have such persuasive Mercury power — to be heard at work,  and bring passion back.

However long it may have been on hold.  Lucky numbers link to your three closest friends.  


Monday and Wednesday are brilliant days to visualise your dream future, and make that first step.  A Sunday shopping trip can bring a bargain passion two-for-one.


A picture of a local landmark.  A TV show starring two sisters.  Three odd numbers followed by three even ones.


In general,  Gemini is a bit of a natural risk-taker – but as Saturn swings into reverse until early November,  you may find yourself playing it safe more. 

It’s fine to try a waiting game in love, or the search for love.  As long as you set limits on this, and don’t leave it open-ended. 

At work, one big ambition may burn brightly in your mind, but during this retrograde, you can benefit from setting lots of smaller, achievable goals, and ticking them off one by one.  


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Look out for a familiar face with a new job title

You’re in the sun and all the energy you’ve been waiting and hoping for can flow. 

Play your part by eating and sleeping as well as possible.  Plus writing down ideas that suddenly spark, even if at first they make no sense.

Giving more in love – in time or understanding – asks a lot, but rewards can be fast, and forever. Single?  Look for a familiar face with a new job title. 


Select just one name from a love list on Monday. Saturday you’re a charity bargain champion – and on Sunday you can bring people together.


A book with initials in its title.  One song you hear playing on three different days.   A six-digit number that ends in zero.


Instead of laughing off, or ignoring, gaps in your education or experience, Saturn’s retrograde spurs you to do something about this.  

From not till November, you  can take yourself, and your dreams, seriously – and see it’s never too late to learn. 

You may need to step away from familiar faces who don’t want you to change. 

But this will leave you stronger, – and ready to grow. Saturn’s Cancer challenge is to say yes to sometimes scary things – yes, you are ready.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

You will be protected by a confident, core-deep sense of self

Pluto’s new planet path blasts through career barriers, so be ready to make the most of this – your new work identity can be so different.

But you will be protected by a confident, core-deep sense of self.

A new moon of opening up, letting secrets show, may bring questions to a relationship, but they can be pro-active ones. 

If you’re looking for love, let a mysterious Aquarius catch  your eye. 


You’re a love magnet on Monday  — especially where live music plays.  Wednesday is your Cash Refresh Day.  Sunday and “C” make a luck mix.


Several pictures of one place.   A local “S” shop.  Food with a Mediterranean flavour.


You may experience feelings much more intensely as Saturn pushes back – and question where you fit into a work team or a relationship. 

But this is an energising process, as it encourages you to explore the truth about recent events. 

Instead of just blaming others, you accept your own part, and recognise there is a lot you can do to control your own future. 

Especially in terms of making big personal changes.  Your Saturn challenge, until November, is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Love is dreamy as a fantasy face starts to look real, early in the morning

Updates or upgrades you’ve been thinking of making to your social life can power ahead as the sun switches signs. 

From dropping fake friends to pursuing positive contacts, you overflow with charisma, and clear vision.

Mercury’s new outlook helps you research and review deals and goals, and find shortcuts everyone else may miss. 

Love is dreamy as a fantasy face starts to look real, early in the morning. 


Tuesday is a great day to try new tastes – home or away.  On Wednesday, double-check all cash figures.  Friday fires up passion surprises.


Someone who often wears stripes.  A garden of purple flowers.  A neighbour three houses away. 


Capable and calm, Virgo is a zodiac star at surviving unpredictable times. 

So you won’t be fazed by Saturn’s backward track, from now till early November – in fact you’ll thrive on the challenges this creates. 

You’ll find new ways, and times, of bringing, and keeping, special people together.  

Plus you’re ready to reconnect romantically, firmly on your terms.  And this sets your heart free. 

Marriage dates, and any other form of love or money deals, may not run as planned, but they can still reach the right result.  So stay positive.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

Challenge-lover Pluto draws you towards an unusual property

Chalk and cheese influences of the sun and moon get busy in your chart this week – encouraging you to set personal goals that are different, maybe a little daunting. 

But this is all part of the ongoing Libra reinvention. 

Mercury’s smart speed helps win travel tickets, Saturn’s direction switch brings fitness surprises, and challenge-lover Pluto draws you towards an unusual property. You juggle it all with classic Libra style!


Sample a new set of cash customs on Monday and Wednesday. Your willpower is especially strong this weekend.


A door with stained glass panels.  A souvenir from an “I” holiday.  The last piece of music you heard played live. 


For Libra, Saturn’s retrograde divides into two very different elements. 

First, it can bring delays to dates, deliveries and 
decisions,  and really challenge your willingness to give people and 
events a second chance. 

But this new Saturn path can also stir up your work profile, and place you in a new position suddenly, before you get a chance to protest, or find an excuse. 

And this can be the highlight of your career.  In health terms, you may love the status quo, but from now till November, change is so good for you.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Passion-wise, compromise can be the strong move, if you are clear why you are offering it

This is a week of personal and professional paths opening up for you, assisted by the sun and new moon, but mostly powered by your own ability to focus, find a Scorpio way through. 

So past lessons can be put to good use in a future plan. 

Passion-wise, compromise can be the strong move, if you are clear why you are offering it.  Buried “B” feelings are ready to bubble over. 


Plan a repeat visit or call for Monday.  On Wednesday, personalise your fashion style – feel good, to look great.  Sunday, reduce those paperwork mountains. 


A pattern of trees or leaves.   Names that end in “R”.  Your favourite quiz show on TV.


Saturn’s in retrograde from now until early November, and this can challenge you with a series of snap decisions alongside  a demand to think on your feet, maybe against the clock. 

Trust yourself to cope with this well, because you will.  Also, this new version of you can be exactly what a work boss has been waiting for.  You’re a natural in speed-based tasks – and will really benefit from trying out new creative pursuits, without  any pressure to be perfect.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

In your love life, an intense new moon’s gift is super-strong instincts

Saturn’s backward path is a wake-up call for your home life – and instead of coasting, you can start making some concrete plans.

A move that seemed impossible just weeks ago can be back on the horizon, so do gather all the information you may need.

Meanwhile, in your love life, an intense new moon’s gift is super-strong instincts, so even in a crowded space, you can feel yourself guided towards your soulmate. 


Tuesday and Thursday,  double-check all pockets for forgotten tickets.  The weekend is when big passion promises can be kept.


A series of words starting with the same letter.  The friend who last made you laugh.  A family who make music, or art, together.


Family-based self-control may be hard to hang on to for the next few months – as Saturn’s retrograde destabilises your home sector.  

This can lead to temper trials, or impatience between generations – being prepared for this can put you one step ahead. 

Give a property or home cash deal enough time, instead of rushing it through.  And instead of basing your security on other people, aim to create your own foundation, to support and encourage yourself.  Then you’ll have so much more to offer. 


DEC 22 – JAN 20

If you’re in love, partners may delay a big decision, but only to make it more memorable

You’re the zodiac character everyone is interested in, and fascinated by, with Pluto’s unpredictable personal edge, plus sun warmth in your connections chart, and the way Saturn’s retrograde is making you chattier.

So you can expect the unexpected this week, from out-there job opportunities to a chance of celebrity romance. 

If you’re in love, partners may delay a big decision, but only to make it more memorable. 


The value of an object or skill can double on Monday.  A name you first meet on Thursday is already rewriting your destiny.


A food display linked to Italy. Your favourite floor-filler tune.  Businesses or charities with a yellow logo.


As your steadfast ruler shifts into reverse, your communication skills can be challenged. What you say may not always be exactly what you mean. 

So do write down every message, list or question, to get it exactly as you want it. 

From now to November, expect some not-always-uncomfortable conversations – you can shine when you stick to a few key points, rather than trying to cover too much. 

A writing project, from a novel to a resignation or application, may be a surprise – but if it works, work it! 


JAN 21 – FEB 18

A time of placid personal life is ending – for you, this is so positive

If you feel yourself asking “Why?” much more this week, instead of simply accepting statements, or situations – this can be the Saturn effect. 

A time of placid personal life is ending – for you, this is so positive. 

Now you can play a bigger part in passion, and make more waves at work. 

But everything that makes you, you, will just get stronger under pressure.  Luck links to your favourite artist’s initials. 


Monday and Thursday are best for making, or breaking, VIP  contacts.  Try a test again on Friday.   An Australian voice brings news on Sunday.


A building with a blue fence. A fun card or film, with a serious message.  A path lined with silver stones.


As  Saturn flips backwards in your cash chart, your challenge is to be less controlled in your spending habits, and more open to going with the flow.

However meticulously you may plan a money-making enterprise,  it just may not reach as high, or as far, as you expect.  This can be because something better is up ahead for you.   

Refreshing bonds of trust, and cutting the ones that do not match your expectations, is a further Saturn challenge, but with great potential for success. 


FEB 19 – MAR 20

You do need to know, or maybe to tell, the whole truth

As Pluto rewrites your friends’ zone, deciding to contact certain names from your past can be strong move. 

You do need to know, or maybe to tell, the whole truth. 

In love terms, however, with sun heat and new moon optimism lighting your zone of romance, this is a time for not looking forward or back, but simply savouring the moment. 

Single? This can include an enigmatic Scorpio. 


On “T” days, get money wishes into order.  Saturday’s Pisces priority should be the future not the past.  However tempting a try-again offer may be.


Seaside sounds.  Several women all wearing the same top.  Your age in a vehicle number plate.


Your sign is a sparkling mix of improvisation and inspiring creativity. 

Yes, Saturn is now travelling in reverse in your personal zone, until November – but you can find this inspires rather than restricts you.

Swaps of names, numbers, dates and identities can all tap into your deepest self, and the more your future seems to be uncertain, the more secure you can feel. 

You’re a true original, in everything from fashion to passion – and the upcoming four months of Saturn challenges just prove this even more.

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Источник 360.ru: такси и BMW столкнулись на северо-востоке Москвы

Москвичей предупредили о сильном дожде с грозой в пятницу

Суд арестовал бывшего члена Высшего совета ЛДПР и депутата Госдумы Абельцева