Wild Corona of 2023 Hybrid Solar Eclipse
Photographers: Petr Horálek; Josef Kujal; Milan Hlaváč
Summary Authors: Petr Horálek; Josef Kujal (of the Astronomy Society of Hradec Králové);Milan Hlaváč.
On April 20, 2023, a unique hybrid solar eclipse occurred over the Indian Ocean, Australia, and Indonesia, giving us the opportunity to see a ghostly corona for up to 1 minute in the central line above Exmouth of Australia. It was truly a spectacular phenomenon.
Shown above are our photographic results of this eclipse, and also the wild solar atmosphere around the eclipsed Sun. Excitement was high as 300 people gathered in this remote spot to view the 1-minute totality, the diamond ring effect, a huge solar prominence and of course the solar corona. Reflections were a bit of an issue, considering there was only 1 minute to take the image sequence, but the final view actually reveals more than was visible to the naked eye.
Photo details: Canon 6D Tamron camera; 70-200mm lens; 200mm; f2.8; 38 different exposures (from 1/4000 second exposure to 2 second exposure); ISO 100; dark frames and flat fields applied.
Observation Coordinates: -22.04, 114.12
Related Links:
Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013, Observed from Space
Another Look at the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013
Petr’s Website