The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 4 Review: Under Suspicion
So George didn't come to his senses after all.
Instead, the fledgling agent continued his ill-conceived plan in The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 4.
While he was forging onward, we mostly learned Shiv's back story.
Over the past couple of episodes, it's become readily apparent why Shiv is such a dark, broody dude.
Shiv carries around a ton of guilt, doesn't he? And that's just the handful of incidents about which we know.
It was encouraging to see Shiv was once a good-hearted youth. Some of that heart still peeks through even after he became a Lazarus agent, regardless of the emotional armor he puts up.
It wasn't surprising Shiv was an early developer, learning to walk and talk seemingly overnight. Whether that was because of time loops or because he was just an advanced child wasn't clear.
By his teen years, the intelligent Shiv had determined he remained aware of events from previous timelines while most people didn't.
Pakistani Shiv discovered his uncle's shop was faltering in part because of vandalism by racist skinheads.
When Shiv came up with the idea of making money by betting on horse races, it appeared he would do a good thing for his family and use those funds to prop up his uncle's business.
But no. Instead, Shiv acted like a teenager and invested in electronics and sneakers. That was to be expected.
Fortunately, he got a second chance to do the right thing when the skinheads burned the shop, killing his aunt and uncle caught inside.
Checkpoint Day again rolled around, as it always seems to. Shiv quietly bided his time until the night of the fire.
Sadly, Shiv was shocked when he found his cousin Dinesh setting the fire. Soon the police Shiv had alerted showed up to haul away Dinesh.
Wes was waiting back at his home and had all the answers Shiv had sought for most of his young life. So it's little wonder he joined Lazarus.
Shiv's history with Rebrov was expanded upon. Shiv's accidentally shooting an imposter on The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 3 indirectly resulted in the death of the son of Rebrov and Janet.
Shiv's chasing down Rebrov after he went over the edge ended their friendship, as Rebrov blamed him for starting Rebrov and Janet's neverending pain.
Dennis did get Shiv to admit he had doubts about Lazarus's mission. But Shiv still disabled Rebrov by shooting him in the leg rather than letting him walk away.
But Shiv did make a couple of mistakes. One was taking Rebrov to the hospital for treatment. (Shouldn't Lazarus have its own medical facility so they don't have to explain agents' wounds?)
Then he talked to Janet by phone then went to pick her up. This left her time to run and allowed Dennis to escape. This began his career as a terrorist.
So it was understandable Shiv couldn't bring himself to pressure Rebrov too hard for information. He feels like he owes Dennis and Janet for his past mistakes.
Without having a real handle on Rebrov's history, George still chose him as a co-conspirator. He even got into a philosophical debate with Shiv about the use of torture, assuming Shiv had tuned up Dennis.
Shockingly, the torturer was Archie, the most agreeable of the Lazarus agents. But her argument was one George has yet to absorb: what's beneficial for millions outweighs what's essential for a single person.
Archie attempted to be there for her charge, George, but his attitude drove even her away.
Maybe George's attitude is why his fellow Lazarus agents give him a wide berth. When he should have been organizing Sarah's funeral, instead, he could travel to Barcelona and Bucharest as part of his rogue mission, and no one would have asked any questions.
Indeed, George solved the problem of the maps that the entire Lazarus team hadn't been able to crack, as unlikely as that was.
And George was learning to be paranoid, using Sarah's debit card to buy his plane ticket to Bucharest.
But he was dealing with someone even more suspicious in Shiv, who didn't buy George's effort to call in sick for a few days.
Once he saw George had been working with the maps, he decided George was conducting a separate mission to recover Big Boy for whatever reason. That was affirmed when he had Ryan check Sarah's accounts and found the ticket purchase.
So, to deal with George's unauthorized mission, Shiv also pursued him without permission and didn't alert anyone besides Ryan. That made sense.
George stupidly left a trail of breadcrumbs for his pursuer with his charges. At least until he set a trap for Shiv with that last tap in the buffet car.
What does it say when George can get the drop on Shiv? Was Shiv sloppy, and was George that prepared?
Shiv better hope George knows what he's doing since he needs time reset to return to life. Same with poor Ryan, who George tricked into getting too close to Rebrov.
To follow George's descent, watch The Lazarus Project online.
What did you think of Shiv's back story?
Has George been lucky or good so far?
Does he actually have a plan that will resurrect Sarah?
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