Baseball5 courses staged in Sierra Leone with support of National Olympic Committee and Olympic Solidarity
The Sierra Leone Baseball and Softball Association held four Baseball5 courses in Makeni (29 and 30 May), Bo City (2 and 3 June), Kenema (5 and 6 June) and Freetown (8 and 9 June). The courses were part of the National Sports Development System, funded by the National Olympic Committee with support from Olympic Solidarity.
The courses were earmarked for educators and volunteers, who will now be tasked with spreading their knowledge in their communities.
South Africa-based Americo Lima of Zimbabwe and Daniel Atiemo of Ghana conducted the courses.
"The participants were eager to learn the game and share their passion with their communities," commented Lima. "Baseball5 is a sustainable programme for the Sierra Leone Baseball and Softball Association."
Lima added that they would identify four candidates from each region for an advanced Baseball5 coaching clinic in a second phase. The third phase will include a Baseball5 national competition.
Joseph Kanena Kanu, president of the Sierra Leone Baseball and Softball Association, was happy with the success of the courses.
"People turned up in huge numbers and comprehended what was taught. You can play it everywhere, and you only need a ball. We have 36 balls for each region to support development," said Kanu, expressing optimism for Baseball5's development.
"You are Baseball5 pioneers," said Prince Sualley, National Olympic Committee President. "Someday, we will have Baseball5 stars in Sierra Leone, and you will be regarded as the initiators of all that."
Sierra Leone started a Baseball5 development programme in December 2022 in schools of Freetown and the Provinces.