Caught on camera: Metro warns against crossing rails in shocking video
The D.C. Metro system is reminding its riders that crossing the rails can land you in jail — or worse.
Surveillance video tweeted by the Metro Transit Police Department on Sunday showed a person climbing down from a station platform and stepping over the tracks to reach the other side, passing over the electrified “third rail” which carries 750 volts of power.
“One wrong step could be deadly, don’t cut your life short,” Metro’s captions read, between images of caution tape and a skull-and-crossbones.
A Metro spokesperson said the incident shown in the video happened on Friday at Alexandria, Virginia’s Eisenhower Avenue station.
The person filmed vaulting over the rails managed to board a Blue Line train bound for Franconia-Springfield, and was later arrested for trespassing.
Metro said it has logged 32 reports of trespassers on tracks across the system since just this April.