by Don Hermann
It’s not difficult to figure what Little Tiny Ronnie DeSantis is about.
He comes out of the Trump playbook of communicating. Fake this. Fake that. Act tough. Take on Minority Groups. Make it tough for them to vote.
Interfere with the curriculum at schools. Rewrite books to minimize African American History. Do the same with the horror stories about the Holocaust.
Go after Libraries who don’t conform to the Get Tough Policy. Cut funding. The message: conform or close down.
Apparently he’s got a thing about looking big which he equates with importance. He can’t do it without a prop to add several inches to his undersized frame. Obviously, he’s tripping over himself.
For a guy who seems to lack a sense of humor, his special white boots with the prop needed some practice for him to try to look natural and comfortable. The new Fake Look apparently was paid for out of campaign money. Is that legit?
One way or another he’s not measuring up. That BULLY approach exposes his vulnerabilities. To be perfectly clear according to the Oxford Dictionary a Bully is a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.
Little Tiny Ronnie should have understood this. He should have realized that a bully has to be selective about people or organizations you want to push around.
He picked on Mickey Mouse. But the mouse has roared. The trap was set. And look who is getting caught in it.
The whole situation is a joke. That’s where the humor begins and ends.
Little Tiny Ronnie, maybe you should take a long look at your future. In addition to being outsmarted by a mouse, you’re losing badly to a rat. That rat has so many people on his tail and he’s still making you look even smaller than you already are.
Here’s some advice Little Tiny, I’d put some eyes in the back of my head. Your name recognition is going to shrink as the rodents gobble you up.
Before we close, let’s address your hang-up with the Gay Community.
Freud said that perhaps men who are most opposed to male homosexuality have particularly strong homosexual urges for other men. Angry is. Angry does. Is that what the fake boosters boosting you are all about?
The post LITTLE TINY RONNIE appeared first on The Moderate Voice.