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As Yorkshire dialect comes close to dying out, here are the phrases tha’ must know


BY ’eck! The North-South divide is ­getting narrower when it comes to the way we speak.

It means Yorkshire’s glorious ­dialect is under threat – and at this rate we could say tarra to it within 45 years, as slang and pronunciation from the South become more common.

UPP:Universal Pictorial Press and Agency
The Yorkshire dialect is under threat[/caption]
Retired German teacher Rod Dimbleby is leading the fight to keep the county’s ­distinctive tongue alive[/caption]

But now retired German teacher Rod Dimbleby is leading the fight to keep the county’s ­distinctive tongue alive by running weekly sessions with the ­Yorkshire Dialect Society in Keighley.

Rod, 80, argues the ­vernacular – made famous in Last Of The Summer Wine – is far more than an accent or regional slang and needs saving.

Here, Sarah Arnold reveals some famous Yorkshire phrases that should be kept – and the translations for those who aren’t Tykes (that’s born and bred in Yorkshire, if you aren’t one).

Baht ’at: Without a hat

Put wood in t’ole: Shut the door

Up tut woodens: I’m going to bed

Th’art a bufflehead: You are a fool

Chuffin’ ’eck: Crumbs!

I’m fair mardy: I’m pretty annoyed

Shut thi cake ’ole: Be quiet

Cop od o’this: Please hold this item for me

Fill thi boots: Enjoy yourself

Let’s have a gander: Let me take a look

That’s reyt good tha’: That’s excellent

Gi o’er: Oh, do give over

Giz: Pass that to me

I’m in’t puddin’ club: I’m pregnant

You daft ’apeth: You silly billy

Never heed: Pay no attention to them

He’s a reight sackless beggar: He’s totally clueless

We’re bahn dahn tahn termorrer: We are going into town tomorrow

Th’art war ner useless: You are worse than useless

The’ wer’ fair capped when ah telled em: They were really surprised when I told them

If ivver tha does owt fer nowt, allus do it fer thissen: If ever you do anything for nothing, always do it for yourself

Tha meks a better door than a winder: Excuse me, you are standing in the way

Nubdy knew nowt abaht it nobbut me: Nobody knew anything about it except me

It’s shorts weather: The temperature is above freezing

Ne’er cast a clout ’til May be out: Don’t take your winter clothes off too early

Ow do, duck: Hi mate

Ee bah gum!: Gosh!

Nay: No

Owt’s better than nowt: Something is better than nothing

Frame thissen: Hurry up

Naw’than thee, ’ow’s tha’ lass?: Hello, how is your wife?

Be ryt: It will be alright

Ere, wot’s f’r us tea Mutha?: Excuse me Mum, what are we having for dinner?

Do us a cog, mate: Please may I have a lift on your bike?

Guwin t’ shop, wanowt?: I’m going to the shop, would you like anything?

It’s maftin’ in here: It’s hot in here

I’m nithered: I’m extremely cold

E’s neither use nor ornament: That chap serves no purpose whatsoever

Fill your boots means to enjoy oneself[/caption]
To gander is to go on a walk[/caption]
Shut thi cake ’ole means be quiet[/caption]
Instead of dinner, Yorkshire folk say ‘tea’[/caption]

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