President Marguerite’s Prize
Many congratulations to Daniel Hatton who today won President Marguerite’s prize, beating Ray McDonnell 4&3.
The match was tight on the front nine, with Ray making an excellent up and down on the ninth from over the back of the green for a half to turn just one down.
On the back nine Daniel won ten to go two ahead only to be pegged back to one down when Ray won the eleventh with a par. Twelve went to Danny and, when he won the thirteenth when it looked like all the world he was going to loose it, it was looking ominous for Ray at three down. Daniel’s tee shot on fourteen to eight feet was enough to go four ahead and, when Ray could only manage a half on the fifteenth, it was game over. Hard luck to Ray who played some excellent golf to get to the final and of course many congratulations to Daniel, President’s Prize winner 2023.
Some consolation for Ray is the prospect of an upcoming Father & Son son final. Ray & Keith will play Pierce & Shane O’Neill in the final.
Well done to President Marguerite whose beautiful prize was presented to Daniel after the President’s Dinner this evening.
Many thanks to Ali, Olivia and Liz for a most excellent dinner and to Paul and Alan who ensured that all were well watered !