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Everything You Should Know About RSV, Including the New Vaccines & When To See a Doctor

Everything You Should Know About RSV, Including the New Vaccines & When To See a Doctor

It’s no secret it’s cold and flu season right now. We’ve been warned to get our flu shots, wash our hands constantly, and know drink plenty of fluids if we start feeling sick. But it’s not just the flu, colds, or COVID-19 we need to be on the lookout for right now. There’s another condition out there that can make you feel absolutely miserable and actually be kind of dangerous: RSV, aka respiratory syncytial virus.

You’ve probably heard about RSV over the last few years. The US had an “early and severe” RSV outbreak last year, experts said, leading to overwhelmed hospitals, primarily in pediatric units, as infants are one of the groups at higher risk of severe RSV (more on that below). In 2023, though, we got good news: there are now immunization shots available for RSV for both older adults and infants, which can protect these vulnerable populations from severe symptoms.

As we get deeper into flu and cold season, now’s the perfect time to brush up on what RSV actually is, how to know if you, your child, or another loved one has it, and the next steps if they do — plus everything you need to know about those new shots.

What is RSV?

RSV is a “a common respiratory virus that causes mild cold-like symptoms, but can be severe for infants and older adults,” Kristen Navarette, MD, pediatrician and medical director at MVP Health Care, tells SheKnows. Infants younger than six months old and adults aged 65 and older are considered the groups at highest risk for severe RSV, per the CDC.

To give you an idea of the severity of RSV for those groups: RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia in children 12 months and younger in the US, according to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. The NFID also estimates that RSV causes 177,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths of people aged 65 and older in the US each year.

RSV symptoms

Diagnosing RSV can be tricky since it shares many symptoms with the cold and the flu. RSV symptoms can include a runny nose, decrease in appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever, and wheezing, the CDC says. In addition, “RSV symptoms usually appear in stages,” Dr. Navarette says, adding that symptoms “can appear within four to six days and should resolve within seven to 10.”

So how do you know if you have RSV or a cold? For one thing, the common cold “typically presents milder symptoms compared to RSV,” Dr. Navarette adds. “It is also rare for someone with the common cold to experience a fever or shortness of breath. Typically, a wheezing cough is associated with RSV.” Doctors can diagnose RSV with a nasal swab test as well.

How long is RSV contagious?

Once you contract RSV, most people are contagious for three to eight days, according to the CDC. Infants, older adults, and people with compromised immune systems can remain contagious for as long as four weeks.

But how long do symptoms last? Otherwise healthy people with normal immune systems tend to recover from RSV in a week or two. Again, the very young and very old will have a longer road to recovery. Doctors may also take chest X-rays to ensure that the virus hasn’t resulted in pneumonia and may also do a blood test to ensure the patient is getting enough oxygen in their blood, according to the American Lung Association.

As a general rule of thumb, Dr. Navarette says, “If symptoms are worsening or new symptoms continue to appear, such as not drinking enough fluids or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical attention with your primary care physician, visit an urgent care, or use a telehealth visit to help you determine the best next steps for treatment.”

How does RSV spread?

“RSV is very contagious,” Allan Greissman, MD, a pediatric intensivist at Pediatric Critical Care of South Florida, tells SheKnows. It spreads when someone infected with the virus touches something and leaves particles of the virus on the object. “Then, someone else can then pick up the object and spread it to themselves,” Dr. Greissman says.

You can also get infected from direct contact with the virus. This can happen if an infected person coughs or sneezes near you and droplets from the cough or sneeze get in your eyes, nose, or mouth, or if you kiss the face of a child with RSV (so don’t do that).

Is there an RSV vaccine?

Now for some good news. New in 2023, there are two forms of immunization for RSV: a vaccine for adults aged 60 and older and a monoclonal antibody treatment for infants under 8 months, the CDC says. Babies who are 8 to 19 months old, have a high-risk condition, and are entering their second RSV season are also recommended to get the antibody shot. (Side note: the vaccine and monoclonal antibody both protect from RSV, but in different ways. The vaccine stimulates the body’s immune system to produce its own antibodies, leading to longer-lasting protection. An antibody shot contains ready-to-go antibodies that provides immediate protection, and is a good option for babies with still-developing immune systems.)

The antibody, called nirsevimab, “is given as a one-time injection,” Jennifer DeLucia, MD, a board-certified pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences, tells SheKnows. “In large trials, the only adverse effects were pain and swelling at the site of injection and occasional rash.”

Both RSV shots are highly effective, too. According to the CDC, the two vaccines approved for adults 60 and older reduced RSV illness by 82 and 88 percent, respectively. In a clinical trial for antibody treatment for infants, the shot was 77 percent effective at preventing hospitalizations and doctors’ visits following an RSV infection.

RSV treatment

If your child (or your parent, or you yourself) develops RSV, “the best thing to do is supportive care,” Dr. Greissman says. Dr. Navarette recommends resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and managing fever and pain with over-the-counter pain relievers and fever reducers. (For children, Dr. Navarette says, check with your doctor about which medications to use, as they may differ based on your child’s age.)

If the symptoms develop into a severe, frequent, or unusual-sounding cough, wheezing, fatigue, or difficulty breathing, head to a doctor or urgent care, Dr. DeLucia says. If you think your infant is sick, their shortness of breath will manifest as “fatigue during feedings,” she adds.

RSV is common and, for many people, is an illness they can take care of at home. But it helps to know what symptoms to look out for so you can tell when the illness is getting more serious, especially if you’re taking care of a sick baby, toddler, or older adult. Your best practices for keeping yourself and your family safe from RSV this season: washing your hands frequently, staying away from sick people, and making sure anyone who’s eligible has gotten their RSV shot.

A version of this article was originally published in 2019.

Before you go, here are our favorite natural products for relieving your kid’s cold:


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