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Grim reaper galette is a spooky stunner for your Halloween table

Grim reaper galette is a spooky stunner for your Halloween table

Looking for a sinister centerpiece for your Halloween table? Ghoul at Heart's gorgeous galette certainly fits the frightful bill.

A kind of magic happened in my Halloween-loving soul when I saw Ghoul at Heart’s Grim Reaper Galette on Instagram.

It was gorgeous, goth and moody. It was grand, with color you could taste — burgundy, raspberry, chocolate — hues well suited for the crushed velvet drapes of a vampire’s Victorian parlor. And you Freddy Krueger fans will appreciate this: It gave me serious “chest of souls” vibes.

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Ghoul at Heart is a second home and handle for cooking blogger Laurie Castellon, whose love of Halloween eventually prompted her to branch out from her Castellon’s Kitchen site with year-round recipe posts featuring creations campy, cute, gory and great. I mean really great. Just check out this near-literal crime scene of a cheese course, the Amputated Appetizer, (instagram.com/p/CwfsM1Sp-Ry)  if you need further proof. Her Instagram account is a frighteningly fun rabbit hole in which to descend, but I digress…

Because it was the galette that grabbed me at the outset.

This terrifying tart features the flavor trifecta of pear, raspberry and chocolate. One can go all-in and make the jam from scratch or cheat a little with something from a jar, but the fun is undeniable. It’s an artsy-craftsy creation you can eat, and really, based on how I felt when I saw it, it’s all but guaranteed that if you’re throwing some sort of Halloween bash, your guests are going to go ga-ga when they see it.

Ingredients ready to be immortalized in what is possibly the World's Most Goth Dessert. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)
Ingredients ready to be immortalized in what is possibly the World’s Most Goth Dessert. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)

To be upfront, the Grim Reaper Galette is a two-day project.

That’s because of the “boos.”(See what I did there?) For those of you who love cooking with wine — and sometimes even put it in the food — the dramatic color on these pear skulls comes from a mixture of dry red vino and Chambord, a divine black raspberry liqueur that’s as enjoyable by the spoonful over good vanilla ice cream as it is by the splash in good vodka or bubbly.

Red wine-Chambord soak. I've never been jealous of a pear before, but.... (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)
Red wine-Chambord soak. I’ve never been jealous of a pear before, but… (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)

But first, you’ll have to carve them.

Castellon’s recipe calls for various tools to get the job done, but I had neither a corer nor a cookie cutter, so I did it all by hand. Are the skulls pastry-pro perfect? Perhaps not, but I think they look cute enough. So, if you don’t have these items in your kitchen drawer already, don’t feel like they’re must-haves you need to spend money on.

Once peeled and carved, the pears will require an overnight soak to get that beautiful red color. I flipped them a few times throughout the process to ensure an even red. And since they need the overnight, I suggest making the jam and dough the day before, too, which will make your second day’s work an easier cleanup.

You can use a food mill, fine sieve or cheesecloth to get rid of the raspberry seeds for the jam. I like the texture. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)
You can use a food mill, fine sieve or cheesecloth to get rid of the raspberry seeds for the jam. I like the texture. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)

Making the dough was far more straightforward than I expected. To a layperson like me, pastries are high-level baking. And though I probably could have done a better job in rolling it out into a thinner sheet, the flavor — a buttery-rich chocolate that’s not at all sweet — balanced very nicely with the sugary-tart combo of jam and fruit. Almond slivers, along with the seeds in the jam, add some crunch, though you avid bakers out there might have an additional suggestion for more.

One thing I can say is that those privy to my pastry ahead of time were duly impressed with this thing, in both looks and taste. You’ll probably want something a little less sophisticated on hand for your table, as well, whether for the kids or those who aren’t fans of a fruity finish.

Almond slivers go over the jam.... (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)
Almond slivers go over the jam. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)

For those of you who are, however, the scratch-made raspberry jam is a nice bonus. The recipe made far more than the tart required and so even now, months later, the spirit of my dearly departed dessert lives on in a jar in my fridge, destined to haunt dozens of toasted bagels in the months to come.

Find me on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter or Instagram @amydroo or on the OSFoodie Instagram account @orlando.foodie. Email: amthompson@orlandosentinel.com, For more foodie fun, join the Let’s Eat, Orlando Facebook group.

The chocolate pastry, very low in sugar, was a really nice complement to the sweet, fruity filling. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)
The chocolate pastry, very low in sugar, was a nice complement to the sweet, fruity filling. (Amy Drew Thompson/Orlando Sentinel)

Grim Reaper Galette

Recipe Courtesy Ghoul at Heart; (ghoulatheart.com/grim-reaper-galette)


  • 1 pastry blender
  • 1 apple corer
  • 1 mini heart cookie cutter

*I carved the pears and made the pastry by hand; equipment not mandatory. 


Chocolate Galette Dough

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter, cold and cut into ¼-inch slices
  • 6-8 tablespoons ice water

Macerated Pears

  • 3-4 pears, cored, peeled and halved
  • 2 cups Chambord Black Raspberry Liqueur
  • 1 cup dry red wine (for color)

Raspberry Jam Filling

  • 2½ cups raspberries
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • Sliced almonds (optional)


Pear Skulls

  1. Pour Chambord  and wine into medium-sized bowl. Working one at a time so pears don’t brown, core and peel pears, then cut it in half lengthwise. With the larger end of the pear on top, use the apple corer to cut out two holes for the eyes and then cut out the nose with the heart-shaped cookie cutter. Use a paring knife to score the smaller end to create teeth, and then add a skull crack if desired. Place pears in Chambord/wine mixture and allow to soak overnight.
  2. When ready to assemble tart, remove pears from macerating liquid and place on plate. Reduce macerating liquid over medium-high heat until syrupy, 8-10 minutes. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Chocolate Galette Dough

  1. Add flour, cocoa powder, sugars and salt into large bowl. Whisk to combine.
  2. Add cold butter slices and, using pastry blender or fork, work in butter until it looks like pea-sized crumbles.
  3. Stir in ice water, two tablespoons at a time, until a ball forms and pulls away from the bowl. Turn dough out onto a piece of plastic wrap, shape into a round disc and wrap tightly. Refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes or overnight.

Raspberry Jam

  1. Combine raspberries, sugar, water and cornstarch in medium saucepan. Mash with potato masher and over medium heat as you bring to a boil. Stir frequently until mixture begins to thicken, about 10 minutes. Turn off heat and set aside or refrigerate until ready to assemble.


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Remove dough from the refrigerator and roll out onto a lightly floured surface to about ⅛-inch thickness. Transfer dough to parchment-lined baking sheet. Fill center of dough with jam leaving about 3 inch border. Sprinkle with sliced almonds.
  3. Place macerated pears on jam. Fold dough over to encase  jam and pears. Brush dough with egg wash and bake for 35-45 minutes. Serve with a drizzle of the Chambord syrup, and enjoy!

Individual grim reaper tartlets: Divide dough evenly into 6 or 8 rounds and assemble as instructed above. Bake for 25-35 minutes.

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