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A deep dive into CSS exam data — gatekeeping or gateway to ranks of bureaucratic elite?


The Central Superior Services (CSS) examinations, conducted annually by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), stand as a hallmark of prestige and opportunity in Pakistan. These exams have served as a gateway to coveted positions within 12 government departments for decades.

Known as the country’s most competitive assessments, the CSS exams seek to identify and recruit individuals who epitomise brilliance, discipline, and capability from areas across Pakistan.

CSS officers, often referred to as bureaucrats, carry the distinction of being appointed at a Basic Pay Scale-17 (BPS-17) position — of which the minimum is one and maximum 22 — within the government. Beyond this, they assume key responsibilities within government secretaries, cabinet offices, and civil bureaucratic operations, effectively shaping the country’s governance landscape.

This unique examination process attracts the youth of Pakistan year after year, each aspirant seeking to join the ranks of the country’s bureaucratic elite. The CSS exams have become more than just a career choice — they symbolise a commitment to public service, a strive for excellence, and an opportunity to contribute significantly to the country’s development.

A look into the cycle

This report focuses on the CSS recruitment cycle in Pakistan — spanning 2004-2023— which has witnessed a multifaceted evolution. It explores critical dimensions of CSS recruitment trends, ranging from the ebb and flow of applications influenced by political transitions to the examination system’s emphasis on theoretical assessments.

Notably, there exists a strong correlation between political transitions and fluctuations in application numbers. During the tenures of different political parties, the CSS exams appeared to attract varying levels of interest, reflecting the nation’s ever-evolving aspirations. The data underscores the predominance of theoretical assessments in CSS selection, with consistently low success rates in the written test. However, the interview phase does not exhibit significant quality control measures, suggesting the need for a more balanced approach in assessing potential civil service officers.

The introduction of the MCQ Preliminary Test (MPT) in 2022 and its subsequent impact in 2023 raises questions about evolving candidate dedication and examination methods. The data suggests a shift in applicant commitment but also signals potential challenges in maintaining exam quality. Gender disparities persist, with male candidates consistently being favoured over their female counterparts. This emphasises the need to foster gender equality within CSS recruitment.

Lastly, the Hire-to-Pass (H2P) ratio analysis brings forth a crucial narrative. Despite their commitment and success in assessments, only approximately 61 per cent of candidates secure positions, necessitating comprehensive reforms in government policies and structures.

Below is a breakdown of each category mentioned above using a combination of sources such as FPSC annual reports, notifications, related publications, news articles, and the online CSS Forum.

 Raw CSS exam data from 2004-2023 collected from a variety of sources. — Table by author
Raw CSS exam data from 2004-2023 collected from a variety of sources. — Table by author

The report underscores the need for continual reforms and a more balanced approach in CSS recruitment, ensuring that Pakistan’s civil service thrives efficiently and fully taps into its pool of qualified candidates.

Recruitment trends: From aspiration to bureaucracy

Number of applicants passing through each stage from application to hiring across 2004-2023. — Graph by author
Number of applicants passing through each stage from application to hiring across 2004-2023. — Graph by author

The CSS exams have consistently attracted a growing number of aspirants, reflecting the enduring enthusiasm for public service roles. The competitiveness of the process becomes evident in the transition from the written exam to the oral exam. As the number of successful candidates narrows down, it underlines the fierce competition that individuals must navigate to proceed.

Finally, the ‘hired’ phase marks the culmination of this rigorous journey, with the number of allocated positions reflecting the government’s need for bureaucratic expertise. Over time, the CSS exams have evolved to remain highly competitive, with fluctuations in application numbers, but a consistent demand for candidates who excel in both written and oral assessments.

Politics and fluctuation

A closer look at the exam application data reveals a compelling connection between political transitions and the ebb and flow of public service aspirations within Pakistan. Notably, during the PML-Q government’s tenure from 2003 to 2007, the number of applicants steadily increased, reflecting a sense of optimism and motivation to serve the nation. This trend persisted through the PPP’s governance from 2008 to 2013, showing the public’s interest in public service roles despite political shifts.

Number of CSS applicants across 2004-2023. — Graph by author
Number of CSS applicants across 2004-2023. — Graph by author

However, during the PML-N’s tenure from 2013 to 2018, there was a notable decline in applications, possibly influenced by economic challenges. An intriguing twist emerged during the PTI’s rule from 2018 to 2022, as the data exhibited a remarkable resurgence in interest, marked by a substantial spike in applications. This data underscores how government tenures can significantly shape the aspirations of individuals seeking to contribute to Pakistan’s public service sector, highlighting the intricate interplay between politics and public service ambitions.

However, in 2022 and 2023, applicant interest fell once again, possibly due to increasing inflation and political instability after the Pakistan Democratic Movement takeover of the federal government.

Balancing the scales between theory and practice

The data shows that the CSS exam heavily relies on theoretical assessments for evaluating potential civil service officers. The consistently low written-to-appeared (W2A) ratio — indicating the success rate in the written exams — underscores the weight placed on theoretical knowledge.

Written test and interview success rate. — Graph by author
Written test and interview success rate. — Graph by author

In contrast, the interview-to-written (I2W) ratio — which represents the ratio of successful interviewees — consistently displays a meticulous quality control system for the interview phase. This pattern highlights that the selection process predominantly focuses on the theoretical component. The highest success rate in the W2A was 16pc, whereas the lowest I2W ratio was 81pc.

While theoretical knowledge is undoubtedly essential, the CSS examination system may benefit from a more balanced approach that includes practical skills and a broader range of competencies, ensuring the selection of the most capable officers.

The impact of MCQ preliminary testing

In 2022, the MCQ-based preliminary test was introduced to the exam. There was a notable surge in appearance percentages for the written test, signifying an increase in the number of serious and dedicated applicants.

Number of people who took the test vs. number of people who passed.
Number of people who took the test vs. number of people who passed.

However, this trend took an unexpected turn in 2023 as the appearance percentage once again dropped. This decline could signal either a waning interest in CSS — perhaps due to the political shifts mentioned above — or an increase in the difficulty of the preliminary test, potentially leading to a drop in the quality of test-takers. These findings underline the intricate balance between aspirants’ commitment and the evolving landscape of CSS examination methods, raising questions about the factors influencing the quality and dedication of future CSS candidates.

The CSS gender gap

Male-to-female exam success percentages paint a picture of persistent gender disparity. The data shows a consistent trend that favours male candidates with a much higher proportion of men clearing both the oral and written exam phases. This gender gap underscores the need for a targeted effort to promote gender equality and create an inclusive environment that enables all aspiring civil servants, regardless of gender, to excel in these competitive examinations.

Male-to-female exam success ratio. — Graph by author
Male-to-female exam success ratio. — Graph by author

Bridging the gap between success and recruitment

A close examination of H2P ratios in CSS recruitment unveils a compelling narrative. Over the years, despite candidates dedicating substantial time and effort to navigate the demanding written and oral exams, the data reveals that on average, only approximately 61pc of those who successfully clear these assessments ultimately secure positions.

Hiring percentage and estimate of successful CSS applicants across 2004-2024. — Graph by author
Hiring percentage and estimate of successful CSS applicants across 2004-2024. — Graph by author

This finding serves as a powerful call to action, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive reforms in government policies and organisational structures. To harness the full potential of the talented individuals who successfully navigate all rounds of assessments, CSS recruitment must adapt and evolve, ensuring that Pakistan’s civil service is not just efficient but fully utilises the rich pool of qualified candidates.

Exploring the relationship between applicant and hiring ratio

To identify a relationship between the volume of applicants and the hiring rate, a regression analysis was conducted. The results indicate a noteworthy finding: as the number of applicants increases, the hiring percentage experiences a slight decrease, suggesting that a higher volume of applicants may lead to increased competition, making it relatively more challenging for individuals to secure positions after the written and interview rounds.

As the number of applicants in a year increases, the hiring percentage slightly decreases. — Graph by author
As the number of applicants in a year increases, the hiring percentage slightly decreases. — Graph by author

Similarly, when assessing the relationship between hiring percentage and the number of individuals who appeared for the written test, a weaker but still inversely proportional relationship is observed. This suggests that the appearance rate may have a significant impact on the likelihood of being hired.

These insights provide valuable considerations for policymakers and aspiring CSS candidates, shedding light on the complex dynamics governing the recruitment process.

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