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How ‘Partisans of God’ are stoking fears of war that engulfs the Middle East


An insight into the Houthis' movements.

epa11007218 Newly-recruited members of the Houthis' popular army march during a parade in Sana'a, Yemen, 02 December 2023. Yemen's Houthis have mobilized and recruited thousands of tribal militiamen as part of the creation of a popular army dedicated to a possible confrontation with Israel amid fears of a wider regional conflict stemming from the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to a statement to the Houthis movement. The Houthis have vowed to resume cross-border missile and drone attacks on Israel and hijack Israeli ships in the Red Sea amid the resumption of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
Newly-recruited members of the Houthis’ popular army march during a parade in Sana’a, Yemen, December 2023. The Houthis have vowed to resume attacks on Israel and hijack Israeli ships in the Red Sea amid the resumption of the conflict between Israel and Hamas (Picture: EPA)

Barely a week has passed since the New Year – but a barrage of missiles and drones launched at ships in the Red Sea has stoked fears of all-out war in the Middle East.

It was only thanks to ‘lethal’ Sea Viper missiles used by a UK warship that averted what could have been a strike with deadly consequences.

Attacks in the region are not new – they happen on an almost daily basis – so what is so unique about this one and who are the key players behind it?

Corey Ranslem, CEO of maritime intelligence company Dryad Global, tells Metro.co.uk that he expects these types of strikes from Yemen’s rebels will continue for the foreseeable future.

‘During the past few weeks, the Houthis within the Red Sea, have continued to launch attacks on commercial cargo vessels including both drone and missile strikes,’ the US Coast Guard veteran says.

‘These attacks and attempted attacks take place on almost a daily basis. The US has put together the coalition, Prosperity Guardian, to counter the attacks within this region.

‘This operation involves a number of countries and the priority is to provide air cover for commercial vessels operating within this region.  

‘The missile and drone launches from earlier this morning were not new, but the number of missiles and drones launched was the most we’ve seen in one attack.’

METRO GRAPHICS MAP: All Houthi-related incidents in the Red Sea
A map made by Metro.co.uk shows all Houthi-related incidents in the Red Sea since November 19 (Picture: Metro.co.uk)

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Who are the Houthi rebels?

The Houthis are a large clan originating from Yemen’s northwestern Saada province.

They are regarded as an extremist movement that follows Zaydism, a branch is Shiite Islam. The Houthis have struggled to restore their influence in Yemen since the last Zaydi ruler was overthrown in 1962, after 1,000 years of Zaydi rule.

Houthi insurgents – formally known as Ansar Allah, or ‘Partisans of God’ – have clashed with Yemen’s government for the past 10 years, causing widespread hunger and misery.

Since taking over the capital, Sanaa, in 2014, rebels have carried out widespread violations of international humanitarian law and civilian harm, including alleged war crimes.

Human Rights Watch have recorded indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure and kidnappings.

A Saudi-led coalition intervened in 2015 to try to restore Yemen’s internationally recognised government to power.

The war has killed more than 150,000 people, both fighters and civilians, and created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters that has caused the deaths of tens of thousands more.

epa11007209 A newly-recruited member of the Houthis' popular army covers his face with a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress, during a parade in Sana'a, Yemen, 02 December 2023. Yemen's Houthis have mobilized and recruited thousands of tribal militiamen as part of the creation of a popular army dedicated to a possible confrontation with Israel amid fears of a wider regional conflict stemming from the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to a statement to the Houthis movement. The Houthis have vowed to resume cross-border missile and drone attacks on Israel and hijack Israeli ships in the Red Sea amid the resumption of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
A Houthi soldier covers his face with a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress, during a parade in Sana’a, Yemen, 2 December 2023 (Picture: EPA)

Why are Houthis attacking ships in the Red Sea?

A crisis in the Red Sea has erupted from the war between Israel and Hamas inGaza.

Houthi rebels have launched missile after missile at commercial vessels since November 19, as part of what they describe as a protest against Israel’s bombardments on occupied Palestinian territory.

Yemen forms the eastern side of the Bab al-Mandeb strait – or ‘the Gate of Grief’.

It is named for its perilous navigation conditions, is the southern outlet of the Red Sea, situated between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Djibouti and Eritrea on the African coast.

It is one of the most important routes for global seaborne commodity shipments in the world, particularly crude oil and fuel from the Gulf bound for the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal.

Their campaign has been most disruptive to international shipping, causing many companies to suspend transits through the Red Sea.

Instead, they are taking the much longer route around Africa, sending costs skyrocketing.

The Houthis have vowed to continue to ‘carry out their military operations against the Israeli enemy,’ and have ‘implemented the decision to prevent Israeli ships from navigating the Arab and Red Seas in support of the oppressed Palestinian people.’

HMS Diamond and US jets shoot down biggest wave of drone and missile attacks in Red Sea on container ships
HMS Diamond and US jets shot down the biggest wave of drone and missile attacks in the Red Sea on container ships (Picture: MOD)

Who supports the Houthis?

Yemen’s Houthis are backed by Iran, which began increasing its aid to the group in 2014 as the civil war escalated and as its rivalry with Saudi Arabia intensified. 

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force has provided the militants with training and a growing arsenal of sophisticated weapons and technology for anti-tank guided missiles, sea mines, explosive-laden UAVs, ballistic and cruise missiles, unmanned maritime vehicles (UMVs), and other weapons and systems.

The Quds Force and Lebanese Hezbollah have improved Houthi capabilities at a relatively low cost, according to a 2021 report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Both the UK and the US have accused Iran of having been involved in the attacks in the Red Sea.

The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, has denied that the Houthis, as well as ‘resistance groups in the region,’ are attacking Israel based on orders from Iran.

But the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen previously found that Iran has ‘failed to take the necessary measures to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer’ of various ballistic missiles that the Houthis have deployed against all the vessels.

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