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Horror pics show INSIDE America’s ‘Covid lab’ where monkeys & pigs are given deadly diseases in Wuhan-like experiments


DISTRESSING new images show animals being infected with deadly pathogens at a US lab with ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Photos and footage obtained by watchdog White Coat Waste show scientists at the Rocky Mountain Lab sedating monkeys and pigs – and carrying out experiments with deadly viruses.

Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
Photos and video show scientists at the Rocky Mountain Lab sedating monkeys[/caption]
Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
Scientists proposed infecting piglets with Ebola – a virus with a death rate of up to 90 per cent[/caption]
Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
Documents showed plans to infect pigs and monkeys with deadly pathogens[/caption]
Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
Images showed pigs being experimented on in the Montana lab[/caption]

White Coat Waste has described the lab as a “bioagent superlab” that infects animals with highly contagious and deadly diseases – such as Ebola, Lassa fever, Nipah, and even the plague.

There is no suggestion the footage shows any illegal activity at the facility run by the US government’s National Institutes of Health – but the lab has come under scrutiny in recent months.

Last year, White Coat Waste revealed that the lab was experimenting with SARS-like viruses just a year before the Covid outbreak as part of a collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The Wuhan lab has been at the centre of a storm over the origins of Covid – with many claiming the virus leaked from the facility during experiments on bat coronaviruses.

Experiments with SARS-like viruses at the Rocky Mountain Lab have reportedly stopped – but experiments on deadly pathogens are still being carried out, White Coat Waste said.

And some of the deadly diseases have the potential to spark a new pandemic.

Experiments include injecting pigs with Ebola and injecting monkeys with Covid, White Coat Waste said.

Researchers also studied how monkeys react to hemorrhagic fever – which causes bleeding and organ failure.

Scientists also proposed to infect three-week-old piglets with Ebola – a virus with a death rate of up to 90 per cent – for a project between 2017 and 2020.

Footage showed piglets huddled and suffering after being infected with Ebola, according to White Coat Waste.

Between 2019 and 2022, scientists planned to infect monkeys with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever – a tick-borne virus.

A third proposal for experiments between 2020 and 2023 was titled “Nonhuman primate model development for the novel coronavirus emerging in Wuhan, China”.

The materials were obtained by White Coat Waste through Freedom of Information Act request – which has dubbed the Rocky Mountain Lab a ” bioagent superlab”.

The organisation, which has campaigned against risky virus research, previously uncovered how the America’s so-called “Covid lab” bought bats from a shady roadside zoo for its coronavirus experiments.

It found that the National Institutes of Health infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a “SARS-like” virus called WIV1 at the lab in Montana in 2018.

The research was a joint venture between the government-funded Rocky Mountain Laboratories and Wuhan lab collaborator Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina. 

Following White Coat Waste’s investigation, Senators Joni Ernst and Eric Schmitt sent a letter to the NIH demanding “to learn more about potentially risky research” carried out by scientists at the lab.

Taxpayers have a right to know how their money is being spent in barbaric animal labs that can cause a devastating lab leak

Justin GoodmanWhite Coat Waste

Ernst has called on Congress to immediately stop dishing out grants for these experiments.

Justin Goodman, the senior vice president of the White Coat Waste Project told Daily Mail: “Our successful lawsuit has pierced the veil of secrecy around the NIH’s dangerous, wasteful, and cruel maximum pain animal experiments with deadly bioagents that have up to 100 percent kill rates in humans. 

“We’ve uncovered how NIH gain-of-function researchers linked to EcoHealth and the Wuhan lab import primates to the Rocky Mountain Lab from Fauci’s Monkey Island in South Carolina, infect them with viruses including Ebola and Covid, and then completely withhold pain relief while the animals suffer excruciating deaths. 

“Taxpayers have a right to know how their money is being spent in barbaric NIH animal labs that can cause a devastating lab leak and pandemic right here in the US.”

Rocky Mountain Lab is currently expanding its animal testing labs using $125million of taxpayers’ money distributed by Congress as Covid relief funding, White Coat Waste said.

The Sun has contacted National Institutes of Health for comment.

It comes after bombshell documents revealed US scientists planned to engineer viruses with the same unique features of Covid.

The new tranche of emails, memos and funding applications have been dubbed the “smoking gun” in the ongoing probe into the origins of Covid.

What happened in Wuhan?

THE Wuhan Institute of Virology has been at the centre of the lab leak theory ever since Covid first emerged just a stone's throw from the facility - which was known to be studying very similar bat viruses.

Declassified intelligence documents confirmed Wuhan scientists first fell sick in late 2019 with Covid-like symptoms – raising questions over whether they were accidentally infected in the lab.

Scientist Shi Zhengli – dubbed ‘Batwoman’ – had been experimenting with bat coronaviruses for years at the Wuhan lab.

The lab began hunting the origin of SARS viruses in 2003, attracted US-government funding and was shown cutting-edge virus manipulation techniques. 

They were running secret dangerous secret experiments combining the most deadly coronaviruses – which it initially made public and justified by claiming it could help develop vaccines.

But many scientists and intelligence officials suspect researchers at the lab accidentally spread Covid during risky so-called “gain of function” experiments on coronaviruses.

Both China and the lab have furiously denied any allegations – but evidence of a lab leak has been piling up as scientists, researchers and governments hunt for answers and step forward with evidence.

Investigators combing for clues have uncovered documents pointing to alleged cover-ups, plans to make viruses with the exact same features as Covid, and apparent links to the Chinese military.

Other reports have named Covid ‘Patient Zero’ as a Wuhan scientist and even China’s own government scientist said a lab leak should not be ruled out.

The Sun also interviewed a Wuhan lab leak whistleblower who claimed he was trailed by the FBI to silence him.

And a bombshell study uncovered a string of biosafety hazards at “crowded and chaotic” labs in Wuhan – including filthy animal cages and crumbling sewers.

The FBI and the US Department of Energy now believe Covid most likely leaked from a lab in China.

Former intelligence chiefs and diplomats have claimed Covid was leaked from a Wuhan lab in the “cover-up of the century”.

And the World Health Organisation reportedly believes Covid did leak from the lab after a “catastrophic accident”.

Despite many theories emerging, scientists and researchers have not yet been able to determine the origins of the pandemic – with a lab leak and a natural source both being probed.

China has long been accused of attempting to cover up or distort its role in the story of Covid – something it denies.

Scientists claim that Covid was “exquisitely matched”, “completely pre-adapted” and “supercharged” for humans when it first emerged in Wuhan in 2019.

It’s suggested by some that it had been meddled with and souped by in so-called Frankenvirus experiments at the Wuhan lab.

For years, Shi Zhengli – dubbed “batwoman” – manipulated viruses and inserted spike protein genes into coronaviruses to make them more infectious in humans, experts claim.

And many scientists believe the answers to the origins of Covid lies in the unique genome of the virus.

Now, new documents – obtained by US Right to Know – show how the genome of Covid matches the viruses described in a research proposal from US scientists.

The latest documents add to a mounting pile of evidence pointing to a lab leak as the source of the Covid pandemic.

Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
White Coat Waste obtained photos of animal experiments[/caption]
Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
Photos show researchers sedating and experimenting on monkeys[/caption]
Images Obtained by White Coat Waste Project
Researchers studied how monkeys react to hemorrhagic fever – which causes bleeding and organ failure[/caption]

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