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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Feb. 17, 2024

Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Feb. 17, 2024

School district should sell property to pay teachers

I read that the Ross Valley School District and the Ross Valley Teachers Association are at an impasse in their negotiations for teachers’ salary increases commensurate with other Marin County school districts (“Ross Valley School District, teachers hit impasse on contract,” Feb. 6).

They are among the lowest paid in the county. Here’s an idea. Sell the Deer Park property to the Fairfax-San Anselmo Children’s Center, where it has been located for many years. The district should then take the $1.5 million for the property to pay the valued and underpaid teachers what they deserve.

— P. Kirson, Fairfax

Land managers need to keep an eye on those weeds

As an ecologist and watershed volunteer coordinator for the Marin Municipal Water District, I can say that we appreciate all the volunteer effort that goes into removal of invasive broom and habitat restoration.

As land managers, the biggest lesson we have learned from the broom experience is that we need to identify and remove new weeds before they turn into something as disruptive as broom.

Neighbors can also be positive agents of change as they seriously consider what ornamentals to plant. We should all refrain from installing anything that is known as invasive or about which invasiveness is unknown. It’s fun to learn about California native plants and how to nurture them in your garden.

— Suzanne Whelan, San Rafael

Brian Colbert is best for District 2 supervisor seat

Brian Colbert is the best candidate for the District 2 seat on the Marin County Board of Supervisors. As a San Anselmo resident and past chair of the San Anselmo Arts Commission, I strongly recommend voting for Colbert in the March 5 primary election. Without a doubt, Colbert is the best and most-qualified candidate to represent our district.

Over the years, I’ve worked closely with Colbert to promote a culture of arts in Ross Valley and to transform Creek Park, one of our major downtown public spaces, into a vibrant community space. Colbert assembled and led a broad cross-section of community members to deliberate on the best use of one of our most cherished community assets.

When he asked me to consider chairing the community advisory committee, I did so without hesitation. I saw Colbert’s ability firsthand. He was able to move the project forward while ensuring that all voices were heard in the process.

Colbert has my vote for District 2 supervisor. I hope he has yours, too.

— Kerrie McHugh, San Anselmo

McPhail Sridharan best for District 2 supervisor

I support Heather McPhail Sridharan for the District 2 seat on the Marin County Board of Supervisors for several reasons. She is an experienced leader. She is analytical, logical and researches issues thoroughly. She listens to her constituents, then reaches careful decisions. She is aware of environmental issues.

Although McPhail Sridharan is not rigid, she doesn’t change her position in response to demands made by a vocal minority. I want to be represented by a supervisor who doesn’t take the politically expedient position just because it may be popular in the moment and who doesn’t avoid taking positions to keep a low profile.

McPhail Sridharan will do an excellent job representing the entire community on a variety of important issues — housing, transportation and risk management for both flooding and fire. She deserves your vote in the March 5 primary election.

— Sandra Guldman, Larkspur

New campus should be immune to flooding

As parents of Mill Valley school children about to attend Mill Valley Middle School, we have a number of concerns about using Measure G taxpayer funds approved in the 2022 election to rebuild on the current site, including the potential for learning disruption and exposure to contaminants from the former landfill during construction.

There is also a larger looming issue — sea level rise and flooding. Latest modeling suggests that if it is rebuilt on site, in one of the city’s most flood prone areas, it could become subject to flooding. That would create congestion and safety concerns for evacuation routes in the event of an emergency.

This issue is lost in the recent debate, yet it is a significant problem as we look beyond the next 20 years. The current storms and flooding we experience today are just a glimpse of what we will experience in the near future.

Mill Valley will have to confront many tough discussions about infrastructure, safety and change. The campus rebuild is just the beginning of the many hard decisions we will need to make as a community.

We need to stop seeing change as taking something away from someone. Let’s see it as an opportunity. We can rebuild MVMS in less flood-prone areas. At the same time, the city can address some of the current flooding impacts we feel today from heavy rains and high tide at the current site, as well as the roads leading to and from it. This flooding will only get worse with rising seas, and the decisions only more complicated.

We hope we can still come together as a community on this issue, not just for us adults, but for our kids who will bear the brunt of the impacts in the future from the decisions we make today.

— Michelle Passero and Juliette Finzi Hart, Mill Valley

Heartening to read about positive experiences

I enjoyed reading the recently published “How It Is” column by Jill Holmes (“Musings from the back of an Uber,” Feb. 6).

Surely there are many of us who are dependent on others for transportation. Holmes is fortunate to be able to have had such great experiences using a ride-sharing service. I hope when the time comes that I am no longer able to drive that I will be able to enjoy those transportation services.

Thanks to the community members who write “How It Is” essays. Most of the time, I find them to be timely and relatable.

— Jade Leong, Mill Valley

Vote yes on Measure A for Tam District high schools

Our educational system is the bedrock of our community. Our community takes a hit when the Marin Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers uses its platform to cast aspersions about our local Tamalpais Union High School District.

I urge voters to get the whole story about both the quality of education that the district provides, as well as the details of Measure A. This is a good proposal for voters who care deeply about maintaining our community schools.

Get the truth by visiting yesona4tamdistrictschools.org.

— Susan George, Mill Valley

Regulatory commission needs to address PG&E

I think the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. should do more in response to customer complaints. It feels like an unregulated monopoly, with Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Public Utilities Commission failing to ask important questions. Customers have no real other choice but to pay or have their power turned off.

Now is the time for the federal government to start asking questions. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is the official check-and-balance.

PG&E needs new management. That would stop it from wasting our money on politicians, stop its advertising and lobbyists, and stop excessive executive salaries and their cushy retirement packages.

Now is the time for our elected representatives in Congress to call in the feds.

— Curtis Panasuk, Sausalito

Trump victory will be good for United States

Predictions are difficult. I have a few. President Joe Biden will not be the candidate for president in 2024 — neither will Vice President Kamala Harris. It will be Gov. Gavin. Newsom.

I predict Newsom will lose to Donald Trump, whose name will appear on the ballot in all 50 states. Trump will win and it will prove to be good for the United States and our allies. He will get us out of the wars that Biden got us into.

— David B. McLaughlin, Novato

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