The 'Tic and their paranoia
So now that the Cream Buns are top of the Premiership, I've started to notice an undercurrent of theories from the Lesser Greens about 'the establishment' being out to help their rivals.
Everything from the biased meeja, to the government bodies to refereeing decisions. Not content to bring up sectarianism and their hatred for the Orange Order and Protestants, they also take a free hit against all Freemasons. The former I can empathise with, the next is simply ludicrous and the latter is discriminatory and unfounded.
The phrase I hear about Celtic fans is that they are "Always cheated, never defeated". Meaning, if things do not go their way, they seem to blame a fabled "conspiracy", rather than their teams poor performance on the pitch.
Was it John Greig that was famously photographed shaking hands in a "Masonic Way" with Tiny Wharton? Since then some Celtic fans seem to think a freemason-backed establishment conspiracy is out to get them, conveniently ignoring the fact that Jock Stein was also a Freemason. This "Anyone but Celtic" slavering is plain stupidity, however, small minds can easily be led astray with this unfactual nonsense.
To make matters worse I've started so see some anti-Freemason rhetoric appear on Hibs social media pages. As if every referee has to enter a degree initiation ceremony the day after passing theit referee exams. :faf:
Let's focus on vociforously calling out bad decisions against us, give evidence of bias and call for better standards. But please leave the infantile conspiracy theories about Freemasonry to the Smellies.
Everything from the biased meeja, to the government bodies to refereeing decisions. Not content to bring up sectarianism and their hatred for the Orange Order and Protestants, they also take a free hit against all Freemasons. The former I can empathise with, the next is simply ludicrous and the latter is discriminatory and unfounded.
The phrase I hear about Celtic fans is that they are "Always cheated, never defeated". Meaning, if things do not go their way, they seem to blame a fabled "conspiracy", rather than their teams poor performance on the pitch.
Was it John Greig that was famously photographed shaking hands in a "Masonic Way" with Tiny Wharton? Since then some Celtic fans seem to think a freemason-backed establishment conspiracy is out to get them, conveniently ignoring the fact that Jock Stein was also a Freemason. This "Anyone but Celtic" slavering is plain stupidity, however, small minds can easily be led astray with this unfactual nonsense.
To make matters worse I've started so see some anti-Freemason rhetoric appear on Hibs social media pages. As if every referee has to enter a degree initiation ceremony the day after passing theit referee exams. :faf:
Let's focus on vociforously calling out bad decisions against us, give evidence of bias and call for better standards. But please leave the infantile conspiracy theories about Freemasonry to the Smellies.