Flint & Tinder Makes the Perfect Field Jacket for Transitional Weather
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Take one glance through the Huckberry site, as I do at least once a day, and step into a world of lush coastal and wooded vistas, cozy winter cabins, roaring fires, the perfect pair of leather boots, or an exceptional new waxed jacket (or all of the above, better still). Huckberry’s apparel, accessories, and outdoor gear seem to support the type of lifestyle that I aspire to live—the kind that makes you want to book a winter cabin getaway ASAP.
The retailer offers a tightly-curated yet vast assortment of rugged, stylish, versatile gear for men—the kind of items that aren’t always essential, per se, but tend to make you say, “I need that.” Not every man needs an ax, for instance, but every guy would do well to look for a stylish pair of leather boots, an expertly cut Oxford shirt, or a comfortable pair of blue jeans. You can get all of that and more at Huckberry.