Trump will destroy health care, and his voters don’t care
Donald Trump has been on the warpath against the Affordable Care Act for a long time now, and the MAGA crowd of Republican officials is still 100% behind his call to replace the ACA. The thing is, a good amount of MAGA voters know that Trump doesn’t have a plan to replace the ACA, and sizable shares of Republican voters want to keep its key protections.
This month’s KFF health survey finds the ACA with an almost record-high approval of 59% among registered voters. That figure includes most Democrats (87%) and independents (55%) as well as 33% of Republicans, the highest level of GOP support since the law passed. And one of the law’s key protections—ensuring coverage for people with preexisting conditions—enjoys majority support among Republicans, with 54% saying it is “very important” to them and 35% saying it is “somewhat important.”
What those Republicans also know is that Trump doesn’t have a plan for health care. “A majority of voters, including seven in ten Republican voters, say they do not think President Trump has a health care plan to replace the ACA (42%) or that they are not sure if he has a plan (43%),” KFF writes. And just 35% of self-identified MAGA Republican voters believe that he’s got a plan to replace the law.