Free Narcan training available in Saratoga County
BURNT HILLS, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- In their continued efforts to address the opioid overdose crisis, Saratoga County is offering a free Narcan training and distribution event on Tuesday, February 27. The event will be held at The Ballston Community Public Library from 1 to 2 p.m.
Participants will be taught how to recognize an opioid overdose and learn how to administer Narcan. Upon completion, participants will receive a free Narcan rescue kit. The kit contains two doses of Narcan, a rescue breathing face shield, a certificate of training, a drug disposal system, and a mental health and substance use disorder resource guide.
The training is limited to 40 participants. Registration can be completed online or by calling The Ballston Community Public Library at (518) 399-8174. Residents unable to attend can search for upcoming training events or request an overdose rescue kit online.