Fights on the surface prior to fungal invasion of insects
by Junmei Shang, Song Hong, Chengshu Wang
Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) infect insects by landing on and penetrating cuticles. Emerging evidence has shown that, prior to the invasion of insects, fungal cells have to battle and overcome diverse challenges, including the host behavioral defenses, colonization resistance mediated by ectomicrobiotas, host recognition, and generation of enough penetration pressure. The ascomycete EPF such as Metarhizium and Beauveria can thus produce adhesive proteins and/or the exopolysaccharide mucilage to tightly glue fungal cells on cuticles. Producing antimicrobial peptides and chemical compounds can enable EPF to outcompete cuticular defensive microbes. The use of divergent membrane receptors, accumulation, and quick degradation of lipid droplets in conidial cells can help EPF recognize proper hosts and build up cellular turgor to breach cuticles for systematic invasion. Further investigations are still required to unveil the multifaceted and intricate relationships between EPF and insect hosts.