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Ryan Gosling will reportedly perform I'm Just Ken from Barbie at the Oscars, and fans rejoiced


This news is more than Kenough.

After months of anticipation, Variety confirmed on Monday that Ryan Gosling will reportedly perform the song “I’m Just Ken” from the blockbuster comedy Barbie at the Oscars next month.

Gosling earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance as Ken in Barbie in the Best Supporting Actor category, as his power ballad song from the film’s third act also got recognition in the Best Original Song field.

Traditionally, the songs nominated in that category get performed during the Academy Award ceremony.

While it was never a guarantee that Gosling would agree to perform the song, it sounds like he’s ready to bring the beloved musical number to the Oscar stage.

As you can imagine, everyone was thrilled with the news.

The Oscars will broadcast on Sunday, March 10, on ABC.

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