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FEC sued for refusing to address Hunter Biden laptop scandal


Just before the 2020 presidential election when accurate reports on Biden family scandals documented in a laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop started appearing, the FBI decided to interfere, telling media corporations to suppress those facts.

And one other scheme was launched to interfere in the election: A coalition of dozens of leftists who at one point held various government intel jobs came up with a letter claiming that the reporting probably was "Russian disinformation."

They had no evidence, it was just what they wanted to say politically.

Nevertheless the plans worked, and Joe Biden was elected. And a subsequent survey revealed that had those scandals been routinely reported, and more voters aware of the facts, he would have lost.

There's been literally no accountability for those intel officials who decided to interfere, even though WND reported one member of Congress proposed that they lose their security clearances.

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It was Just the News that reported U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., launched a resolution that would "permanently revoke" the security clearances for "dozens of former intelligence officials who attached their names to a public letter alleging the content of Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation."

There were 51 of those officials who claimed, without evidence to support their opinion, that the laptop probably was a "Russian information operation."

Hunter Biden on CBS' 'Sunday Morning' on April 4, 2021.

The targets of the move include ex-National Intelligence Director James Clapper, ex-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and ex-CIA Director John Brennan and if successful, would deprive them of any access at any time in the future to protected U.S. intelligence information.

The scandals outlined in the laptop, of course, now have been confirmed over and over by multiple investigations, and even leftist publications that originally claimed it all was made up have admitted their authenticity and accuracy.

Subsequent reporting confirmed that a former CIA official revealed now-Secretary of State Anthony Blinken "played a role in the inception" of the statement.

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, and revealed that Blinken was "the impetus" of the public statement signed in October 2020 that falsely implied the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was disinformation.

House members investigating the political move confirmed that based on Morell’s testimony, it is "apparent" that the Biden campaign "played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election."

Now there's more.

The Washington Times is reporting a coalition of former Trump administration officials is suing the Federal Election Commission for refusing to charge Biden's campaign and the Democratic National Committee in the case.

"America First Legal’s complaint accuses the campaign and the DNC of failing to disclose their involvement with a now-discredited letter by 51 former federal intelligence officials about Hunter Biden’s laptop," the report explained.

The charge is that the Biden campaign used its resources to generate and spread that statement, which was used to try to influence voters.

"Because the public statement was disseminated in the media at the request of the Biden campaign, federal law requires the public reporting of the costs and beneficiaries of such coordinated communications," the report said.

"The facts speak for themselves: 79 percent of Americans believe that had there been accurate coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop, Trump would have won the election," America First Legal Vice President Dan Epstein said in a statement.

"Foreseeing this electoral benefit, the Biden for President campaign organized 51 former intelligence officials to claim that the Hunter Biden laptop story was 'Russian disinformation.' The law requires this type of coordination and electoral benefit to be reported to the Federal Election Commission for the public to see."

Congress already has issued a report confirming Morell "coordinated" with the Biden campaign to recruit signatories and promote it.

Morell said, to Congress, "There were two intents. One intent was to share our concern with the American people that the Russians were playing on this issue; and, two, it was [to] help Vice President Biden."

WND SPECIAL REPORT – "IT'S TRUMP VS. SWAMP PSYCHOPATHS": From the Biden administration's enthusiastic support for amputating body parts of troubled children, to its obsession with bringing as many millions of illegal aliens, terrorists and Chinese soldiers as possible into America, it is increasingly clear that many of this nation's current leaders are, to put it plainly, stark raving mad.

Indeed, psychiatric experts are finally documenting how the symptom profiles of scary conditions like "Borderline Personality Disorder" and "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" PERFECTLY MATCH today's top leaders.

One groundbreaking peer-reviewed study published in 2023 documents how left-wing extremism is closely associated with "psychopathic tendencies." Likewise, retired psychiatrist Brad Lyles, M.D., explains how "one way of understanding the increasingly outlandish beliefs and behaviors of the left is through the lens of Borderline Personality Disorder." And one of America's top forensic psychiatrists, Lyle Rossiter, M.D., described Barack Obama's mental state as "Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder."

Consider a typical description of sociopathy: "Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments." Remind you of anyone?

From Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to their presidential Cabinet – including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra – all of these people "have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly."

But it's not just Democrat leaders. Multiple surveys now show how rank-and-file Democrats are TWICE as likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder as Republicans – from depression to bipolar disorder to schizophrenia to narcissistic personality disorder. All this and much more is stunningly laid out in the March edition of WND's critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, "IT'S TRUMP VS. SWAMP PSYCHOPATHS." Don't miss it – you will see the whole political-cultural-spiritual war raging in the U.S.A. in a whole new light.

WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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The post FEC sued for refusing to address Hunter Biden laptop scandal appeared first on WND.

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