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Report Shows 63% of Abortions Use Pills That Starve Babies to Death and Kill or Injure Women


A new report from a leading pro-abortion groups that tracks abortion statistics shows a greater percentage of abortions in America involve the abortion pill.

Abortion statistics 10-20 years ago showed that a majority of abortions were surgical abortions done at freestanding abortion centers like Planned Parenthood. But that has changed with the rapid growth in promotion and sales of the dangerous abortion pill mifepristone.

Now, a majority of abortions involve the pill that slowly staves a little unborn baby to death and has the potential to kill or injure women.

And not only does the abortion pill constitute a majority of the abortions, it’s a growing majority.

As the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute reports, usage of the dangerous abortion pill has risen substantially from 53% of all abortions in 2020 to 63% in 2023.

In the first full calendar year following the US Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, approximately 642,700 medication abortions took place within the health care system, according to new data from the Guttmacher Institute’s Monthly Abortion Provision Study.

The study found that, in 2023, there were an estimated 1,026,690 abortions in the formal US health care system and a rate of 15.7 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This represents a 10% increase in the number of abortions from 2020 and is the highest number and rate of abortions measured in the United States in more than a decade.

Chemical abortion consists of two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone starves the unborn baby of progesterone, the hormone in a pregnant woman’s body that enables a pregnancy to thrive. Misoprostol, taken a day or so later, causes the mother to go into labor and deliver her deceased child.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved new regulations last year allowing brick and mortar retailers to offer chemical abortion. Leading pro-life groups condemned the decision, saying that the pills end the lives of babies before birth and that chemical abortion poses greater risks for women than surgical procedures – even as high as four times the risk.

Up to one in five women will experience complications from the abortion pill and women are flooding ERs across the country with medical and physical damage from abortion pills.

On March 26 the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and Danco v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, petitions in the landmark case in which a group of doctors are challenging the FDA’s reckless rubber-stamping of mail-order abortion pills. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals previously found that the FDA’s actions likely violated the law.

“As two of the world’s largest, most trusted ‘health’ brands, the decision by CVS and Walgreens to sell dangerous abortion drugs is shameful, and the harm to unborn babies and their mothers incalculable. This reckless policy was made possible by the Biden administration, which is pushing to turn every pharmacy and post office in America into an abortion center for the sake of abortion industry greed,” said SBA Pro-Life America’s State Policy Director Katie Daniel. “Even when used under the strongest safeguards, abortion drugs send roughly one in 25 women to the emergency room, according to the FDA’s own label. Yet under Democrat presidents, the FDA has illegally rolled back basic safety standards, like in-person doctor visits, even allowing these deadly drugs to be sent through the mail.

“Just weeks from now the Supreme Court is set to hear a landmark case brought by doctors who routinely witness the fallout for women and girls who turn up in ERs with severe pain, heavy bleeding, infections and other serious complications – not to mention the trauma some experience when they deliver their own aborted child alone in the bathroom. The truth about abortion drugs is being exposed and we hope the FDA will finally be held accountable for failing to protect Americans.”

Ingrid Skop, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., a board-certified OB-GYN who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, shared her reaction:

“Pharmacists, who do not receive clinical training, should not be distributing these dangerous drugs. By pushing these medically unsupervised abortions, the FDA and abortion advocates continue down the slippery slope of chipping away at medical standards for women seeking abortion. This is not health care. This is an ideology that prioritizes destruction of unborn human life and does not care that the women injured by these abortions, whom I see in the ER on a regular basis, are collateral damage.”

In-depth polling conducted by CRC Research for SBA Pro-Life America shows that Americans do not believe the FDA’s assertions that mail-order abortion drugs are safe. For more information about the dangers of abortion drugs, visit abortiondrugfacts.com.

First approved under the Clinton administration, mifepristone is used to abort unborn babies up to about 10 weeks of pregnancy – although some abortionists use it later.

Along with millions of unborn babies’ deaths, the FDA has linked mifepristone to at least 28 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications. However, under President Barack Obama, the FDA stopped requiring that non-fatal complications from mifepristone be reported. So the numbers almost certainly are much higher.

Studies indicate the risks of the abortion drug are more common than what abortion activists often claim, with as many as one in 17 women requiring hospital treatment. A recent study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that the rate of abortion-related emergency room visits by women taking the abortion drug increased more than 500 percent between 2002 and 2015.

Another new study from the University of Toronto, “Short-Term Adverse Outcomes After Mifepristone–Misoprostol Versus Procedural Induced Abortion,” published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that one in ten women who took the abortion pill had to go to the emergency room, according to Pregnancy Help News.

In 2023, reports surfaced of a woman in Canada who also died from the abortion pill and septic shock associated with it.

A 19-year-old Canadian woman died along with her unborn baby after taking the abortion pill. The tragic news comes as abortion activists push to expand the abortion drug mifepristone across the U.S. and Canada, claiming it’s “safer than Tylenol.” In actuality, the drug has been linked to the deaths of millions of unborn babies and dozens of mothers.

Meanwhile, Alyona Dixon, 24, died on September 28, 2022 after complications from the abortion forced her to seek emergency medical treatment four days after the abortion at Planned Parenthood. Her family is now suing the Las Vegas hospital that treated her, saying it did not provide adequate medical care for the abortion complications.

At the Planned Parenthood abortion center, Dixon received the dangerous mifepristone abortion pill that has killed dozens of other women and injured thousands. The pill has been linked to sepsis, which has killed other women taking the abortion drug, including Dixon.

In England, which began allowing mail-order abortion drugs around the same time as the U.S., new investigations show a huge increase in ambulance calls and reports of coercion and abuse. There also have been reports of late-term babies being born alive at home as a result of mail-order abortion drugs because their mothers did not realize how far along they were.

Coercion and abuse also are concerns. LifeNews has reported a number of stories in recent years about sex traffickers, abusive partners and parents forcing or tricking pregnant women and girls into aborting their unborn babies. A midwife with the abortion chain MSI Reproductive Health recently told the BBC that recognizing coercion is a big problem among abortion providers, and the new mail-order abortion practice makes it even worse.

The post Report Shows 63% of Abortions Use Pills That Starve Babies to Death and Kill or Injure Women appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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