Rømmegrøt is a warmed Norwegian porridge, much like a rich pudding, that our family likes to eat with a hefty drizzle of melted butter and a good sprinkling of cinnamon sugar. It’s a longtime family tradition from my husband’s side!Rømmegrøt is a Norwegian Family TraditionMy heritage is mostly German. Blake’s is 75% Norwegian, 25% Swedish. And ever since our first Christmas together (1999), I had been hearing about Rømmegrøt in different conversations across his family.While Blake’s family members were saying I shouldtry rømmegrøt, some were also telling me to give lutefisk a fair shot. Now I’m a fairly adventurous eater, but I could die quite happily never letting lutefisk cross my lips. It’s just something I don’t feel the need to accomplish in my lifetime. Ever since then, I have (unfairly) lumped these two Norwegian foods together in my mind, summing them both up as unworthy of my taste buds.Boy, was I wrong. (At least about therømmegrøt…I still haven’t tried lutefisk!)Be sure to a...