The Family Fortune Behind Elise Stefanik’s Humble Origins Myth
From the start of her electoral career a decade ago, House GOP Conference Chair—and potential 2024 vice presidential nominee—Elise Stefanik has stressed her supposedly rough-cut origins, telling a story in which she saw firsthand the struggles of a scrappy family plywood business.
In a friendly Wall Street Journal profile in 2021, an opinion columnist for the paper contrasted her “working class family” with the supposedly snobbish ostracism Stefanik has faced from her alma mater, Harvard University, which removed her from a senior advisory committee for her efforts to overturn President Donald Trump’s 2020 defeat. Stefanik noted that neither of her parents attended college.
“I’ll never forget what my dad told me the summer before my freshman year,” Stefanik told writer William McGurn. “He said, ‘Elise, I can’t tell you what to expect or what’s going to happen because I never had this experience. I know you will do well and we will be proud of you. All I ask is that you remember where you came from.’”