PBI-Gordon: TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide
Formulated to deliver twice the triclopyr per acre as most combination products, TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide from PBI-Gordon controls more than 60 of the toughest broadleaf weeds, including wild violet, ground ivy, henbit, oxalis, clover, and spurge. TZone SE even provides suppression of yellow nutsedge.
Labeled for use on golf course fairways and roughs, and on residential and commercial properties, the reduced-solvent ester formulation of TZone SE can be used in a variety of turfgrasses, including Kentucky and annual bluegrass, and listed fescues and ryegrasses. TZone SE is ideal for application in April and May, before applications of Surge® or Q4® Plus.
For more information visit PBIGordonTurf.com.
About PBI-Gordon
With a full line of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, growth regulators and other products, PBI-Gordon Corporation is a national leader in the professional turf and ornamental management industry.
PBI-Gordon, based in the Kansas City metro area, has been in business since 1947. It is 100 percent employee owned. For information on PBI-Gordon, visit PBIGordonTurf.com or call 800-884-3179.
Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using PBI-Gordon products. The label contains important conditions of sale, including limitations of remedy and warranty. Please check with your state or local extension service prior to buying or using this product. TZone SE, Surge®, Q4® Plus, and the PBI-Gordon logo are trademarks of PBI-Gordon Corporation.
The post PBI-Gordon: TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide first appeared on Golfdom.