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Taiwan’s place in the international community must be recognized

Taiwan’s place in the international community must be recognized

Taiwan’s inclusion in the international community is not just a matter of fairness: It is a necessity for global stability and prosperity.

The aftermath of World War II left Taiwan economically devastated, with scarce resources and limited opportunities. Many of my compatriots relied on foreign assistance for the bare minimum required for survival. Thankfully, through deliberate policies promoting education, investment in infrastructure, and the nurturing of a skilled workforce, Taiwan has emerged as a leader in semiconductor manufacturing and IT innovation, contributing significantly to the global economy. Moreover, Taiwan has undergone a remarkable transition into a thriving democratic society. 

Now, as a full-fledged democracy with a proven track record of contributions to the international community, Taiwan awaits with eagerness the day that international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and others, welcome us into the fold. 

But despite our ability and desire to contribute, Taiwan continues to be excluded from international organizations due to political pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Fueled by economic growth, military modernization and rising political clout, Beijing has tried to browbeat other countries into accepting its distortion of UN General Assembly Resolution (UNGA) 2758 passed in 1971. The resolution itself solely intended to grant the UN seat to the PRC. Not once does it ever touch upon the question of Taiwan’s status, nor does it say that China may represent Taiwan before the United Nations. In fact, Resolution 2758 doesn’t mention Taiwan even once. 

However, the PRC has since muddled UNGA Resolution 2758 with its “One China Principle,” which falsely claims that Taiwan is part of the PRC. “One China Principle” is by no means an international consensus or universal international practice. The “One China Policy” adopted by the United States and many other countries, and the PRC’s “One China Principle,” are far from the same. The United States’ “One China Policy” only acknowledges, but does not recognize Taiwan as part of the PRC.

Just recently, U.S. senior officials outlined four key points repudiating China’s mischaracterization of UNGA Resolution 2758, including first and foremost the fact that the resolution does not endorse or represent a consensus on PRC’s “one China principle.” The resolution also has no bearing on countries’ sovereign choices with respect to their relationships with Taiwan nor does it constitute the UN taking an institutional position on the ultimate political status of Taiwan. And finally, it does not preclude Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system and other multilateral forums. 

The U.S. and like-minded countries continue to demonstrate through clear actions their support for including Taiwan in international organizations. Following the Group of Seven (G7) foreign ministers’ meeting held in Capri, Italy, in April of this year, the ministers issued a communiqué reaffirming the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as indispensable to security and prosperity for the whole international community. They also endorsed Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations and mechanisms, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

The G7 countries have been reaffirming their support for Taiwan for four straight years since the 2021 G7 Leaders’ Summit held in Cornwall, United Kingdom. 

On May 1, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement strongly encouraging the WHO to reinstate an invitation for Taiwan to attend the 77th World Health Assembly as an observer so that the world could again benefit from Taiwan’s expertise and experience. Support for Taiwan in the United States extends beyond the executive branch. The U.S. Congress has also served as a bulwark against China's coercive tactics aimed at eroding Taiwan's presence in international organizations.

Over the years, the U.S. Congress, with full bipartisan support, has enacted a series of legislative measures to refute China's attempts to distort UNGA Resolution 2758 and undermine Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. In addition, U.S. think tanks and experts have played a crucial role in highlighting PRC's efforts to rewrite Resolution 2758 as part of a broader campaign by the PRC to expand its influence in UN-affiliated bodies. 

The driving purpose behind the establishment of international organizations is to tackle global challenges that no individual country can resolve by itself. Most prominently, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that there exist no political boundaries that can isolate a virus — and that no one should be left behind. The pandemic disrupted lives everywhere, and we are still dealing with its aftermath today. It is particularly ironic that Taiwan, despite being excluded from the WHO, was among the first nations to alert the organization to the outbreak. Furthermore, Taiwan has been widely praised for its effective containment measures and generous assistance to the international community, including the provision of medical supplies, medicines and technology. 

While unfair to Taiwan, the consequences of our exclusion from the international community are even greater. With a considerable list of achievements in supply chain security, climate change and pandemic management, Taiwan's absence is not just a loss for Taiwan itself but a disservice to the entire international community. From the WHO’s struggles with the aftermath of COVID-19 to the ICAO’s concern with aviation safety, Taiwan's exclusion stands as a glaring obstacle to progress. We are glad that more countries are paying notice and speaking out on our behalf. 

The concerning escalation of China’s disregard for international norms, as evidenced by its aggressive actions in the Taiwan Strait, including encroachment on our Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and unilateral alterations of civil aviation flight paths, has become increasingly apparent. Consequently, nations worldwide are awakening to the moral and strategic imperative of standing in solidarity with Taiwan. 

Taiwan’s inclusion in the international community is not just a matter of fairness: It is a necessity for global stability and prosperity. It's time for the world to recognize Taiwan's contributions and grant us the opportunity to participate fully in addressing global challenges. Together, we can build a better and more inclusive world for all. 

Ambassador Alexander Tah-Ray Yui is Taiwan’s representative to the United States.

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