Sensex, Nifty, Share Prices LIVE: The Indian benchmark indices, Sensex and Nifty, opened flat with a negative bias on Friday, ahead of the long weekend holidays. Market participation was expected to remain low, with the market set to close on Monday for local polling related to the general election. BSE Sensex trades at 73,681.11, up 17.39 points as of 10.08 am, while the NSE Nifty dropped 6.80 points to 22,397.05. Foreign portfolio investors continued selling spree in Indian markets, adding to their short positions on index futures. The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 40,000 for the first time but closed lower. Most Asian stocks were down in early trade on Friday. Analysts noted that the market showed positive momentum, with bulls returning, but cautioned that key supports needed to be defended for a new upside trajectory. Traders were advised to adjust their strategies focusing on stock selection, particularly in the banking and IT sectors.