TRUMP CRASHES! Anyone Try Turning His Brain Off & Back On?
Donald Trump brain went into system overload yet again while on stage a few days ago; he slurred, made up nonsensical words and sounded like his cerebral cortex was shutting down. The man AIN'T WELL.
Trump shouldn't be speaking in public, much less running to be leader of the free world (though, should he win, it'd be leader of the kinda, sometimes free world at best, totalitarian America at worst). He was never intellectually, emotionally or morally qualified for the job, but you can now add cognitively too.
We decided to make a series of videos about it, because, as you know, our media sucks and won't discuss this deadly serious issue. And, to be clear, I normally wouldn't mock a man in his state. But he was evil long before he started losing his faculties, and has hurt and killed so many with everything from COVID negligence to an attempted coup, that I have no sympathy for the man. None. Never will.
Watch my newest video as he spouts part gibberish, part actual words--but words with no meaning or that attempt to make utterly idiotic points. And laugh at Trump. Because he hates it. And he deserves it.
Also don't forget to SUBSCRIBE(!) to my newly re-branded "Cliff's Edge" Youtube Channel as we're growing rapidly, giving us the ability to make much more of a difference this year.