It’s Final: Biden Has Chosen to Support Hamas
“My ‘Never Again’ is trumping my ‘Never Trump’ these days.” Thus Cliff Asness, a multi-millionaire Nikki Haley donor, was quoted Tuesday in the Free Press.
READ MORE from Shmuel Klatzkin: Chamberlain and Biden: Appeasement Then and Now
“Never Trump” has acted as a foundational principle for those who took it up. In the extreme case, as it has been pushed by its most calculating supporters, it serves as the beginning and the end — an a priori, a fundamental, quasi-religious truth. Those who do not accept this principle are heretics who must be shunned.
Those who still have a moral code aside from that dictated by current politics are finding that “Never Trump” is not so absolute an imperative as stopping another Holocaust. And they find themselves morally compelled to oppose President Joe Biden’s passive-aggressive psychodrama with Israel.
And, so, they exit the childish reductionism of Never Trump to reenter the real world in which they have to assess moral priorities, as mature adults must. And, lo and behold, they are assigning a higher priority to stopping a redux of the Final Solution to the stopping of former President Donald Trump.
And Biden, in pursuit of a crazed left-wing that would never, ever vote for Trump, is cementing his choice every day, though his backers think that their method of playing both sides is still giving supporters of Israel an excuse to stay with him.
It is clear after this week that Biden — and/or those who control him — has chosen to support Hamas over Israel.
The steps toward Biden’s betrayal of Israel were carefully hidden, but it was clear at least from February that his administration had committed itself to ensuring that there would be no Israeli victory and that America would force the end of hostilities before the hostages would be released. Actual threats to discontinue American military aid were made in the February phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but this betrayal was kept secret for nearly two months so that Biden could speak at the Holocaust Day observances without massive protest. He fooled the Jews, clever man that he is.
He (or his handlers, as we must always say) was fooling himself (themselves). There are many, many Cliff Asnesses now, blinking awake to the horrific reality that the party of Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Joe Lieberman is now headed by those who pick Hamas over Israel.
This week brought some news that tops what we have heard before. Though the Washington Post broke the story, for reasons about which I will not speculate, you will find little mention of it in the tarnished-legacy media. But in sources that have thrived by filling in the objectivity vacuum left by the mainstream media, you can find the story. Here, the Washington Post story is covered by the Daily Mail:
Biden administration officials are said to be offering Israel exact locations of Hamas leaders in a bid to stop the IDF invading the Gazan city of Rafah.
The president has reportedly offered highly-classified information that also includes the locations of Hamas’ secret tunnels to try and stave-off what he fears could be a humanitarian catastrophe.
Let’s put aside the sanctimonious assumption that any government accountable to its people could ever choose the survival of an enemy sworn to their destruction to their own.
Let’s see what this story inescapably implies: Biden has known where the Hamas leaders are — and he has not told Israel.
Joe Biden has been protecting and continues to protect the organizers of the orgy of murder, rape, abduction, and pillage of Oct. 7 who are committed to repeating such orgies until their dying day or until Israel is annihilated. Joe is actively helping them avoid their dying day and so allow them to pursue Israel’s annihilation.
Joe did not give this information about the location of the tunnels to Israel when he was pretending to be its ally. Now he wants Israelis to trust him to give that information if they first call off their push to victory.
Only people so dedicated to lying and manipulation that they believe their own lies could imagine that such a stunning betrayal can be covered over by further assurances. It seems that most everyone else has seen enough to be done with the duplicity, however slick.
For more and more people who — only a year ago, only a month ago, only a week ago — were in the Biden camp, the stench of betrayal overwhelms everything else.
And the more they follow the stench, the more they are realizing that it is all rot. They have no more home with those they had thought were their friends.
They know they have been played. It comes to them like an earthquake.
But the next seismic shock in America is going to be for those who have betrayed them. Their priority remains Never Again. And they know Joe has chosen to stand with the Nazis on the other side. He has made it a choice between his own political death or Israel’s.
Forced to make that choice, these people are ready to do what it takes to see that Israel still lives.
The post It’s Final: Biden Has Chosen to Support Hamas appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.