Gentrification Fail: This Natural Wine Tastes Bad
Gentrification displaces longtime residents and drives up the cost of living, but this latest failure in Bushwick, Brooklyn might just be gentrification’s worst side effect yet: This natural wine tastes bad.
The rents are up by 200 percent and the wine can’t even taste good?!
At Le Glou, a newly opened natural wine bar whose owners outbid a couple planning to open a community center in the space, every glass of wine is $17, full of dirt, and tastes like ass. The bar doubles as a fancy bodega (they call it a “family grocery”), where you can buy tinned fish, olive oil, and European crackers that are extremely expensive and somehow manage to taste bad, too. Worst of all, the owners are definitely under the impression that they’re providing an important service within a food desert, even though there are like, four other recently opened shops that sell all the same shit nearby.
Ugh. The only situation in which this bar-slash-shop would be necessary for the neighborhood would be if all the other similar bar-slash-shops happened to be closed because they were hosting invite-only launch parties for erotic chapbooks. And even still, the nasty-ass orange wine would taste like utter garbage.
Just heartbreaking. If you’re going to destroy a neighborhood with your overpriced wine shop, at least make sure the stuff is drinkable.