Trump supporters are foolish not to back Hogan | READER COMMENTARY
The recent article in The Baltimore Sun reporting on how some in Maryland won’t vote for Gov. Larry Hogan for the U.S. Senate because he doesn’t back former President Donald Trump reveals some real folly (“Trump backers in Maryland defiant after conviction, but mixed on Hogan,” May 28).
So they would rather give a Senate seat up to a Democrat — Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, who is always going to vote with the Democratic Party — if she is elected, then vote for Hogan who will vote for what is best for the people of Maryland. We are trying to win back the Senate, and here some people are going to just give it away and cut their own throats.
I back Trump, and I am going to vote for Hogan. It’s time the Republican Party takes back the Senate so when President Trump wins he will have the votes to get things done.
Think, people!
— Judy Francis, Towson
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