Drop in NY blood donation means summer shortage: NYBC
NEW YORK (PIX11) – Blood donations have decreased in New York, leaving the state in dire straits ahead of an expected spike in traumatic accidents, according to New York Blood Center.
Over the past three weeks, donations have been 2,100 units short of what’s needed to meet hospitals’ needs. For some blood types, like O- and B-, the region only has a 2-day supply on hand, far less than the ideal 5-7 day reserve, according to the center.
It’s particularly concerning timing given a huge number of traumatic incidents happen during the summer months, according to the center.
“Summer fun – holidays, vacations, school breaks – unfortunately is often accompanied by a decrease in blood donations, with lifesaving consequences” NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol said in a statement. “Thirty minutes of your day will save lives.”
One blood donation can save up to three lives, and blood donors can give every 56 days, according to Devika Mathrani, Senior Vice President at NewYork-Presbyterian and the center.
You can make an appointment to donate blood on NYBC’s website or by calling 800-933-2566.