'Orchestrated campaign' to remove Trump-documents judge shot down
Judge Aileen Cannon
A federal judge who is hearing prosecutor Jack Smith's claims that President Donald Trump improperly had classified documents from his years in the White House in his Mar-a-Lago home has been battling a long list of scandals in the case already.
Judge Aileen Cannon has had to deal with the fact that the FBI investigators already have admitted tampering with the evidence Smith hopes to use against Trump.
Further, there have been reports that the government told the Trump campaign to take the documents because they had been in the custody of the government and officials wanted them gone.
There also are reports that a system set up before Trump's presidency actually obtained originals of the documents, and only copies were in Trump's possession.
Then there's the outrageous, but confirmed, instruction to FBI SWAT raiders who took over Trump's home that day that they were under "shoot" orders if they felt that was necessary.
All of these disputes are facing Cannon's handling of the case, which now has been put off for weeks, maybe months.
But one issue has been solved: That orchestrated campaign to remove Cannon from the case because she, unlike some judges in New York, has not recently been following the Democrats' playbook.
Trump already has been targeted in a civil business case in which a leftist judge fined him nearly half a billion dollars, now on appeal, for the values he put on its business properties, a process real estate experts described as perfectly ordinary.
Then came last week's verdict of guilty to business reporting violations for misdemeanors past the statute of limitations that suddenly became zombie felonies because they were done in pursuit of another, unidentified and unclear, crime.
Fox News reports a justice on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, William Pryor, has shot down an effort to get Cannon removed.
His opinion was that she was in the bull's-eye of an "orchestrated campaign."
The ruling comes for the more than 1,000 complaints that arrived about her in just one week, with radical voices accusing her of stalling the case against Trump.
Prior ruled he "has considered and dismissed four of those orchestrated complaints as merits-related and as based on allegations lacking sufficient evidence to raise an inference that misconduct has occurred."
CNBC reported that podcaster Glenn Kirschner claimed Cannon was grinding the case to a halt.
He claimed that was because she declined "to resolve motions in a timely manner and by refusing to even set a trial date. "
That same online presentation told people how to file a complaint against Cannon.
Pryor found the obvious, that "many" of the concerns "request that the chief circuit judge remove her from the classified-documents case and reassign the case to a different judge."
He also pointed out Cannon's rulings will be under the review of appellate courts in the "normal course."
Further, he found that the complaints were "speculative and unsupported by any evidence."
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