A peach tree disease that I frequently hear about is peach leaf curl. We happen to have a lot of peach trees here in Austin, Texas, so I thought it’d be a good idea to get more familiar with this common disease and dive into some research. Here’s what I found about leaf curl and how to treat it.Leaf curl is a common and highly infectious fungal disease that affects peach, nectarine, almond, and apricot trees. The disease attacks the leaves of the tree, causing them to discolor and curl. While infected leaves can’t be saved, spraying after leaf drop in the fall is the best method of control.So, while peach leaf curl can be discouraging and devastating, how can we identify it, and better yet—what are the most effective treatments? Let’s take a closer look. How to Identify Peach Leaf CurlPeach Leaf CurlSymptomsLeavesInitially red-purple and wrinkled, followed by yellowing, browning, and/or dropping early. Grey powder can develop from spores.BranchesGrey powder from spores.BlossomsWilted....