Children abandoned at shows and other things the horse world is talking about
Warning to parents
Parents and carers of junior riders have been urged to ensure they are always accompanied at shows. British Showjumping (BS) issued the warning after cases of children being left alone at competitions, including one who was found drunk at a stay-away show. BS CEO Iain Graham told H&H: “To me it’s unacceptable that adults think they can just leave a child in charge of a horse or pony with no adults around. Anything could happen; the pony has an accident, or the child. It’s a risk sport and children aren’t equipped to deal with these things on their own.” On some occasions social services have become involved.
Being brave
An expert panel discussed public acceptance of horse sport, at a conference on 12 June. The aim was to share the results of World Horse Welfare’s third annual survey of perception of the industry. The results show public opinion is broadly at the same levels; one in five do not support involvement of horses in sport, but there were some positives. In a panel discussion, riders and other key industry figures considered ideas such as cameras in warm-up areas and unannounced yard inspections, as ways of being transparent and boosting public confidence.
Former British ride on Japanese team
Yoshiaki Oiwa and MGH Grafton Street are among those who have been selected to represent Japan in the Paris Olympic eventing. The pair have been named alongside Ryuzo Kitajima (Cekatinka JRA) and Kazuma Tomoto (Vinci De La Vigne JRA). Toshiyuki Tanaka (Jefferson JRA) is the alternate. Yoshiaki Oiwa took on the 2019 Burghley winner from Pippa Funnell on the understanding the horse stayed in Pippa’s yard. Japan could well be on the eventing podium in Paris.
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