Houses of worship offer option for San Jose’s unhoused: Letter to the editor
Re: “How interim housing may solve unsheltered homelessness crisis” (Page A6, June 7) and “Answer to homeless problem in San Jose? All of the above” (Page A8, June 9).
Recently the Opinion page has been replete with articles about the homeless crisis. As a long-time advocate for this population in San Jose and a primary representative of Winter Faith Collaborative, I offer some observations.
Far too much time and money has been spent on transitional housing that does not work for a variety of reasons. Some few years ago Winter Faith Collaborative members worked with city housing folks on ordinances to allow churches and other places of assembly to offer safe parks and shelters for the unhoused.
With a minimal amount of financial support for staffing, these faith-based gathering places could provide low-cost solutions to some transitional needs of this population.
Karen Kieffer Gillette
San Jose