This article is about the fourth season of Chapter 4. For the fourth season of Chapter 1, see Season 4.For the fourth season of Chapter 2, see Chapter 2: Season 4.For the fourth season of Chapter 3, see Chapter 3: Season 4.Chapter 4: Season 4, also known as Season 26, was the twenty-sixth season of Fortnite: Battle Royale. It started on August 25th 2023, and concluded on November 3rd 2023.The season was themed around heists, and the slogan was LAST RESORT.In Ranked, Chapter 4: Season 4 was the start of Season 1, with the ranks of all participating players being reset at the start of the season.Contents1 Previously, in Fortnite...2 How did it start?3 Chapter 4: Season 4 Story3.1 Fortnitemares 2023 / The Eclipse4 Battle Pass4.1 Rewards4.2 Bonus Rewards4.3 Quest Rewards4.4 Ahsoka Tano4.5 Survivor Medal Rewards4.6 Victory Royale Rewards5 Map Changes5.1 Update v26.00 (August 25th 2023)5.2 Update v26.10 (September 12th 2023)5.3 Update v26.20 (September 26th 2023)5.4 Update v26.30 (October 10...