A novel approach for APT attack detection based on feature intelligent extraction and representation learning
by Cho Do Xuan, Nguyen Hoa Cuong
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks are causing a lot of damage to critical organizations and institutions. Therefore, early detection and warning of APT attack campaigns are very necessary today. In this paper, we propose a new approach for APT attack detection based on the combination of Feature Intelligent Extraction (FIE) and Representation Learning (RL) techniques. In particular, the proposed FIE technique is a combination of the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) deep learning network and the Attention network. The FIE combined model has the function of aggregating and extracting unusual behaviors of APT IPs in network traffic. The RL method proposed in this study aims to optimize classifying APT IPs and normal IPs based on two main techniques: rebalancing data and contrastive learning. Specifically, the rebalancing data method supports the training process by rebalancing the experimental dataset. And the contrastive learning method learns APT IP’s important features based on finding and pulling similar features together as well as pushing contrasting data points away. The combination of FIE and RL (abbreviated as the FIERL model) is a novel proposal and innovation and has not been proposed and published by any research. The experimental results in the paper have proved that the proposed method in the paper is correct and reasonable when it has shown superior efficiency compared to some other studies and approaches over 5% on all measurements.