Are Train Companies Fleecing Us? Cost Analysis – Driving Vs Trains On a cold February morning in 1993, the final days of the public run rail system were upon us. A new era of a private rail promised commuters a higher quality of travel, more frequent trains and even cheaper tickets.Sir John MacGregor (then transport secretary) stood up in parliament that morning, looked across the crowd and stated: ‘I see no reason why fares should increase faster under the new system than they do under the present nationalised industry structure, In many cases, they will be more flexible and will be reduced.’18 years later and 1000’s of us wake up every day to squeeze into overcrowded trains, with many on prime train lines paying up to £1 a minute for the privilege.But is the alternative of sitting frustrated in traffic any better, let alone cheaper?Fed up with high train fares? Download free guide – Three Hacks To Reduce Train Fares By 40%A cost breakdown – Car Vs TrainsWe decided to find out. We sta...