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I was told bleeding after giving birth was normal – then I went to the loo and made a horrifying discovery


A FIRST-time mum was told bleeding after giving birth was normal, but the happiest time of her life descended into a “nightmare” when she made a horrifying discovery on the loo.

Ashley Roper gave birth to her son Albi after a 38 hour labour and was sent home with painkillers for external tears.

Ashley Roper
Ashley Roper suffered severe internal injuries while giving birth[/caption]
Ashley Roper
They left her passing poop through her vagina[/caption]
Ashley Roper
Ashley was fitted with a stoma when surgeries failed to repair the tear[/caption]
Ashley Roper
The stress of her ordeal knocked her self confidence and meant she wasn’t able to enjoy her time with her son Albi[/caption]

But the mum soon realised she’d sustained internal injuries too, after noticing more than blood when she went to the loo.

Ashley had been left with such severe birth injuries that she was passing faeces through her vagina.

What followed was a series of unsuccessful surgeries to repair the mum’s internal tear, before having a stoma bag fitted.

The stress of Ashley’s ordeal took its toll on her relationship, her confidence and ate into those precious first few years with her son.

The mum-of-one recently received a settlement from Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, who apologised for complications in her care.

Ashley now plans to launch a Birth Trauma Support Group, alongside her consultant.

Ashley, a 37-year-old payroll specialist from Heckmondwike, West Yorks, says: “What should have been the happiest time of my life became an absolute nightmare.

“I couldn’t believe it when I went to the toilet and realised what was happening to me.

“The hospital left me to cope with it for months. It was so embarrassing, I had to take wipes and clean underwear out with me everywhere.

“Having the stoma really knocked my confidence. I missed those first few precious years with my son, because I was in and out of hospital.

“I’m so pleased now that I’m finally on the mend. But I don’t want this to keep happening and that’s why I’m launching a support group for other mums.”

It comes after a landmark inquiry found good pregnancy care for women in the UK “is the exception rather than the rule”.

The damning report into NHS maternity services – known as the Birth Trauma Inquiry – detailed harrowing stories of mothers being left to lie in their own blood and urine or denied basic needs such as pain relief.


Ashley and her partner were delighted when she fell pregnant with their first child in October 2016.

The pregnancy went well, and she was booked in at her local birthing unit in Dewsbury, Yorkshire.

She went into labour five days early but, when her contractions did not progress, she was referred to Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield, where she was induced.

Her son, Albi, was born 38 hours later, in June 2017, perfectly healthy and weighing 7lbs 10ozs.

 She says: “I got to hold Albi briefly before I was taken down to theatre for stitches. I’d had an episiotomy during a forceps delivery, and I had an external tear.

Ashley was not told, however, that she had an internal injury also, known as a rectal buttonhole tear. She was discharged home the following day.

I had to wear a pad and take wipes and a change of clothes with me everywhere. I couldn’t go out socially and I couldn’t enjoy my new baby because of the stress.

Ashley Roper

She says: “I was passing lots of blood when I went to the loo, which I was reassured was normal.

“I was prescribed laxatives and painkillers and sent home. My external stitches seemed to heal quite well.”

But a few days on, Ashley realised she was passing faeces from her vagina.

What's normal and what's not after giving birth

YOUR BODY goes through a lot when giving birth and it's normal to notice some lingering symptoms from it - from soreness, to tiredness and emotional changes.


If you’ve had stitches after tearing or an episiotomy (cut), bathe them every day to help prevent infection. Have a bath or shower with plain warm water then carefully pat yourself dry.

If your stitches are sore or uncomfortable, tell your midwife.

Stitches usually dissolve by the time the cut or tear has healed, but sometimes they have to be taken out.

Going to the loo

You probably won’t have a poo for a few days after the birth, but it’s important not to let yourself get constipated.

Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, salad, wholegrain cereals and wholemeal bread, and drink plenty of water.

Talk to your midwife or GP if you have constipation that won’t go away. A gentle laxative may help.

Also tell your midwife or GP if poo is leaking or you’re pooing when you don’t mean to.

Also tell your midwife if:

  • you’re finding it really difficult to pee
  • you feel very sore
  • you notice an unpleasant smell


You’ll bleed from your vagina after the birth, which will be quite heavy at first, and you’ll need super-absorbent sanitary towels.

Change them regularly, washing your hands before and afterwards.

You may notice the bleeding is redder and heavier when you breastfeed. This happens because breastfeeding makes your womb contract. You may also feel cramps similar to period pains.

The bleeding will carry on for a few weeks. It will gradually turn a brownish colour and decrease until it finally stops.

If you’re losing blood in large clots, tell your midwife. 

Source: NHS

She says: “I went to the loo and was horrified to find it was coming out of the back and the front.

“I went straight to A&E and doctors confirmed I had an internal fourth degree tear. They assured me it would heal on its own and not to worry.

“They gave me a leaflet which advised pelvic floor exercise.”

But when the problem became worse, Ashley found herself back in hospital, where doctors again assured her the tear must be left to heal.

She says: “By now, I was becoming really worried. I was very self-conscious about it.

“When I passed wind, it was from both ends. I had to wear a pad and take wipes and a change of clothes with me everywhere.

“Even at the supermarket, I had to dash to the loo and wait for half an hour until it stopped. I couldn’t go out socially and I couldn’t enjoy my new baby because of the stress.”


In January 2018, Ashley was referred to a colorectal specialist who identified she had a rectal-vaginal fistula. She underwent surgery in March 2018, but it did not work.

She says: “I was in floods of tears when I realised the operation had failed. I had to go back to the hospital and the surgeon told me I’d need a temporary stoma. I was devastated.”

Ashley had a colostomy fitted, followed by another op to repair the hole.

On New Year’s Eve 2018, believing the hole would now be healed, doctors operated again to reverse the stoma.

Albi is the light in my life, but I should not have had to suffer like this, just to give birth

Ashley Roper

Ashley says: “When I woke up from surgery, my stoma was still there, and doctors told me the hole still had not healed.

“They said there was nothing more they could do, and I was referred to a different specialist in Leeds.

“By now, I was at the end of my tether. I felt I couldn’t be a mum, I couldn’t return to work, everything was on hold. We jokingly called my stoma Steve, but deep down I was mortified by it.

“I couldn’t have any kind of intimacy which contributed to serious issues in my relationship with Albi’s dad. I couldn’t take Albi swimming or on holiday. It was a tough time.”

In October 2019, Ashley had major surgery, taking tissue from her left labia to plug the hole. She also needed repair work on her rectal muscles.

Six months later, her stoma was finally reversed.

Ashley says: “It took me a long time to recover from the surgery. I was left with numbness down the left side of my vagina, which will impact me for the rest of my life.

“I won’t ever have another child, which is sad for Albi too.

“But the procedure worked well, and at last, the hole was repaired.”

Ashley needed a final op last year to fit a bladder sling to help with urinary incontinence.

She was recently awarded a settlement from Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust who admitted a breach of duty.

It admitted that when Ashley returned to hospital after initially being sent home, the Trust should have diagnosed the gap in her perineum and offered repair surgery.


Ashley says: “The issue of birth trauma is still relatively taboo, but I hope by speaking out I can help other women.

“Nobody should have to go through such an experience alone as help and support is out there.

“Albi is the light in my life, but I should not have had to suffer like this, just to give birth.”

She now plans to launch a Birth Trauma Survivors Support Group.

Rebecca Tramaseur, from Irwin Mitchell, said: “The last few years and coming to terms with the life-changing injury and symptoms Ashley has suffered has been incredibly difficult for not only her but her family.

“The hospital trust has admitted worrying issues in the care it provided to Ashley.

“We and Ashley firmly believe that if she had received appropriate treatment at the outset, many of the problems she has had to face could have been avoided.

“While nothing can make up for her ordeal, we’re pleased that we’ve been able to secure this settlement which will fund the specialist ongoing support Ashley needs to try and rebuild her life. Through our work we continue to see too many mums suffering unnecessary birth trauma injuries.

“While Ashley has shown tremendous bravery in speaking out in the hope of helping mums, it’s vital that the hospital trust learns lessons from the issues in Ashley’s case to improve patient safety for others.

“We also urge all hospital trusts to ensure that as well as babies, the needs of mums are fully recognised and they receive the best care, not only in childbirth, but also during in any subsequent aftercare they may require.”

Ashley Roper
Ashley in hospital with Albi[/caption]
Ashley Roper
Ashley following surgery – she was able to get her stoma reversed in 2020[/caption]
Ashley Roper
‘Albi is the light in my life, but I should not have had to suffer like this, just to give birth,’ Ashley said[/caption]
She’s running a birth trauma support group to help other mums in her position
Ashley Roper

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